Have you ever considered that the Prime Directive is not only not ethical, but also illogical, and perhaps morally indefensible?
The copyright for the Daleks is held by the estate of their creator Terry Nation. They license it to the BBC.
Edit: This article seems to sum it up pretty well.
They’re all worth watching, if only so you can make your own decisions.
This would have had implications far beyond the one episode - in this alternate universe, the Time Lords were wiped out by the Toclafane, aka humanity…
The holo-crew is a really smart idea for a solo freighter captain.
Good catch, I’d completely forgotten about that line:
Some of these hulls are organic. Some…some are completely comprised of holographic-containment walls.
wait, does Discovery has a holodeck?
They actually seem to have what you’re describing, more or less - Burnham was able to run complete holosimulations in her quarters.
sighs, opens the drawer of crayons
Star Trek’s Best Kept Secret
Naveen Andrews is such a perfect choice, I’m mad I never thought of it before.
I think the Picard designs are largely fine…ironically with the exception of the final hero ship, which I do not care for.
They apparently have an XL Protostar slotted for January 2026.
Showing absolutely no restraint in episode one, I see.
It’ll be interesting to see if they start licensing Discovery, Picard, and Lower Decks to other streamers in the future.
I assume Prodigy will belong exclusively to Netflix for the foreseeable future.
Things have changed so much since 2005, it’s incredibly difficult to create a bona fide cultural phenomenon. And even if you can, sustaining it is a whole 'nother ball game.
I guess I don’t really know what level of popularity is realistic…or even desirable.
The most recent season seemed perfectly average to me.
The Roddenberry Archive is probably the best place - navigate to the section called “765874”.
They just link to YouTube videos, but I find the actual YouTube channel challenging to find stuff in.
Yeah, never is things seem critical. Mind you, it is Patch Thursday, so maybe things will settle down.
The Fediverse is about to get a lot weirder…
I’m unfortunately not free tomorrow, but Apocalyptica is pretty great. Anyone who has the opportunity to see them should take it.
They rebranded as “Season 1” last year, presumably to provide Disney+ viewers with a good jumping-on point.