Oh I didn’t know that, that’s super interesting! Thanks!
0, don’t come to my house, these sweets are for me
Same in the UK, lived in the Midlands and the people in the next village over we’re “fennies” (because they lived in the fens). Cue jokes about webbed feet and incest
I dunno about nutritious, but I sometimes like baking oat cookies and having them for breakfast, super easy to eat and honestly probably as bad for me as regular cereal. Do want to try and make them “healthy” though
A machine that perfectly dispenses things: The perfect amount of cereal + milk in a bowl The perfect about of squash and water The perfect amount of soap/shampoo The perfect amount of moisturizer
I thought they kept the originals and returned the copies? Plus even if they were copies, the chances that those copies were the only remaining one when it burnt down is pretty high
Survey isn’t very mobile friendly, couldn’t fill out the user experience questions so I gave up
You know what, yes I’m on board with this, let’s have a minister for everyone!
Morthan A’Hanful
We’re not the hardware, we’re the software running on it
Mashed keyboard for character name while playing oblivion, liked result
No, if you die in the Matrix you die in real life