If it isn’t cheaper than palm oil, it won’t replace it. The reason palm oil is used is because it’s cheap, not because of any inherent properties.
If it isn’t cheaper than palm oil, it won’t replace it. The reason palm oil is used is because it’s cheap, not because of any inherent properties.
After the decades of one child sexual abuse case after the other coming out and time and again finding out higher ups in the church knew about this but just kept hiding it, are we really at all surprised? That level of corruption originates from the top down, not bottom up.
The idea of a life after death where an idyllic eternal life can be simply purchased with belief demeans and devalues this life. You will never convince me that someone believing such things would be more moral and ethical than someone who believes that this life is all we get. I would argue that such belief is a cornerstone to a lack of ethics and morals because it implies nothing in this life really matters.
The average Republican voters doesn’t care what the facts are.