There is a large section of the Jewish community who believe you shouldn’t be allowed to kill innocent.
No I’m not him before anyone asks, this has been my screen name on other platforms for close to a decade.
There is a large section of the Jewish community who believe you shouldn’t be allowed to kill innocent.
No I’m not him before anyone asks, this has been my screen name on other platforms for close to a decade.
Ota analog signals.
I just saw a short of someone running an instance of XP on an esp32 chip. Dunno how well it actually worked cause it was just thirty seconds of an error message repeating. But I would love to play some old games with <1 watt of power.
Shorted the center pin of a transistor in the numerical display of one of those giant build a stack game at Dave and busters. Literally the first thing they had me look at after starting, and that that no one could figure out, I was testing various points with a multi meter when it slipped and bridge two of the legs. At first I was worried a really messed something up, but the dude that had been there forever was like “what’d you do‽ It’s working!”. Definitely a fix I wasn’t expecting.
I miss my cheap knockoff watch sub r/ChinaTime
I feel some kinda way about your phrasing, but completely agree that there should be more. I’ve become more agnostic the more I witness people doing things people have always done. I don’t like people lately.