Ja, es gibt neben Outlook auch von Windows noch ne App, die ist aber weder FOSS (Off topic) noch dazu datenschutztechnisch bedenklich, weil sie damit laut ihren ToS auch ihre KI trainieren dürfen
Ja, es gibt neben Outlook auch von Windows noch ne App, die ist aber weder FOSS (Off topic) noch dazu datenschutztechnisch bedenklich, weil sie damit laut ihren ToS auch ihre KI trainieren dürfen
Für die Bezahlfunktion könnten sie das machen, kann man sich ja im SourceCode mal anschauen. Für die normale Funktion zum Zurückziehen passiert das afaik nicht, weil es rein Client-Side eine Verzögerung vor der Übermittlung an den Server ist.
I don’t think thats really possible. One of the reasons why we have a hard time figuring Out how to get CO2 Out of the atmosphere is because chemically its such non reaction Gas. This stuff interacts with almost nothing and if it reacts (as in being bound to Saccharose and Cellulose in Plants), its always requiring somewhat large amounts of external Energy. So neither technology Nor bilogy will save us
I took ‘apocalyptic Event’ by its Definition, being a sudden Event that Brings about the Apocalypse. To that regard, the climate crisis is a somewhat slow dead.
Ich verwende privat Mailspring. Klare, einfache, moderne Oberfläche, fokussiert sich nur auf Mail (kein Kalender, Kontakte o.ä. was Thunderbird immer so bloated) und ist einfach und schnell aufsetzbar mit Google, Microsoft etc. Auch die Mailversandoption, dass du innerhalb von 10 Sekunden (mit bezahlfunktion einstellbar) eine Mail direkt im Pop-up zurückziehen kannst, weil du etwas vergessen hast, zu schreiben oder Rechtschreibfehler zu korrigieren, hilft sehr. Da sind Outlook, Thunderbird und Co. Deutlich nerviger mit Ihrem separaten Postausgang.
We are currently on track to reach +4.5°C average heat increase above pre-industrials levels in 2100. Which means famines all over the World, only 30% of current agricultural Land left for Farming, and wild fires being a common occurence up to the 50th latitude. And Not being able to Go outside in Summer for Most of the World, because our availability to sweat will be hindered by high humidity levels, leaving most people of the Population left for a high Chance to Heat strokes.
All of that assuming our current scientific Models are not lacking behind the reality, as with the recent sharp increase over +1,5°C in 2023-2024, we can not yet completely explain yet. So it could be worse than that, the chances of it being better are almost Zero.
A real subject? CS Easy with what my Job ist, especialy the explaining it to the Client Part - and i am Not a Programer or Developer but Specialized in IT-Service and Consulting
A made-up subject? Democratic Literacy Critical Thinking, democratic Processes and the learnings from History All-Over-the-world made to improve and strengthen Democracy to the Pupils. In my opinion its the Most important Thing that Kids can be taught right now.
Yeah, even after owning a Steam Deck for a year and recently switching my Desktop to Linux, its very hard to get the settings right. Things Like uplay working in Steam Deck but Not out of the Box in my Desktop seems so insensical to me.
Haha, u kidding?
They will improve with authoritarians, where Trump can personally benefit from.
For everyone else it will worsen and set global policies back by at least one decade.
So basically “how to speedrun dictatorship”
Ever heard of the everlasting sustainable war? https://ghostintheshell.fandom.com/wiki/Sustainable_War
If robots generate all of productivity and human labor is no longer needed, the economy would not be able to sustain itself. Instead, in trying to cope with the unneeded human labor and to ensure continued productivity, the only area where productivity would be ensured is by means of war using human resources, namely destroying things in order to be rebuild, thus generating a sustaining feedback loop. The rich will get richer and everyone else will only be employed as soldiers in a continuing war economy.
Even though this is a sci-fi concept, i believe it’s not a stretch to say we are headed to this direction.
Aber du kannst es nicht so direkt machen wie bei Mailspring. Du kriegst kein Pop-up, dass dir dies ermöglicht. Wie Eingangs geschrieben, finde ich das eine sehr gute Usability-Funktion, bei Thunderbird müsste man immer erst in den Postausgang gehen.