Lmao. On track. It was violated the very same day it was announced. The media these days is absolute shit.
Lmao. On track. It was violated the very same day it was announced. The media these days is absolute shit.
Everyone who’s been paying attention knew this was coming.
Every judge who blocked this testing should be immediately disbarred.
I guarantee hes going to try for a third term and is going t expect all those pardoned to support him in it. Nothing from trump is free and he knows if he survives this the prosecutions will start again. He can’t not be President or everything he has all fall apart.
Your teachers always gave you back assignments face down didn’t they.
Must be nice to not live in Taiwan I guess.
“it’s the 90s”
You’re becoming an old man yelling at clouds. People sad all the same shit about websites back in the 90s. They said the same shit about personal computers in offices in general over the mainframe systems. Unless your software is going to be responsible for actual lives it’s better to get something buggy out on time then drag things out like star citizen soaking up money for no returns.
You wanna know how he’ll be worse. You’re going to prison for this post. And you’ll ‘never have to vote again’ for any choice ever. He’s straight up fucking said it. This level of stupidity is un-fucking-fathomable.
The other candidate will put you in prison for that wrong think and send EVEN MORE aid.
Or straight up fucking kill you: https://feddit.uk/post/18652620
You wanna go to prison for that wrong-think. Cause that is what the other candidate is going to do. As well as provide EVEN MORE support to Israel.
That china will own and use as leverage for later ‘fuck you over’ deals. Go read how well it’s all working out in Africa right now. Short version: china doesn’t build shit for anyone but china and there will be a clause that they ‘own’ it all.
Don’t try to rewrite history. They voted them in knowing full well it would be their last vote. And both regimes are engaged in attempts at genocide. One is just far better equipped to carry it out.
Describe how you ‘learned’ to speak. How do you know what word comes after the next. Until you can describe this process in a way that doesn’t make it ‘human’ or ‘biological’ only it’s no different. The only thing they can’t do is adjust their weights dynamically. But that’s a limitation we gave it not intrinsic to the system.
No “we” all don’t. Ask anyone who works support how fucking stupid the general population is about shit they use daily. Let alone stuff they heard years/decades ago. Seriously. Just start asking people to point to “the computer” and see how many point at the monitor even when it’s clearly an 80” wall hung TV.
On the progress of humanity over the last 10000+ years
Such a story is seductively simple.
Done. Nothing this person says is worth reading after that bullshit.
I don’t really have a problem with youth sports. But it shouldn’t be a “profession”. We shouldn’t allocate hundreds of acres of land for parking lots that are only used for barely half the year. Games and tv and movies advance tech at least and don’t each up billions and trillions of dollars of my money for shit I and many others will never use. There are dozens of studies on the utter uselessness of these facilities.
They bring down the local economies and depending on the fans fanaticism can utterly destroy local towns after a bad kick or pass or whatever.
How much money and research has been devoted to proving that getting smacked in the head by a 400 lb wall of meat can cause concussions. Or more accurately to prove the misinformation that it wasn’t happening to be false.
Stop making every fucking game and open world mmo wanna be. Bring back single player with couch co op or make private lobby setups so we don’t have to fuck with every douche who wants to make everyone else’s life as sad as their own. I’m a big GYA fan but have refused to buy for this specific reason. Have almost given in repeatedly but just go watch some YouTube’s on it and it reminds me not to contribute to this shit every time.
Yes. Many of you are. I’m one of those technicals you speak of. I work with half a dozen devs that all think like you. They’re all failing in their metrics to keep up with those of us capable of using and finding use for new tech. Including AI’s. The others are being pushed out. As will most of those in here complaining. The POs notice, you will be out paced like when google first dropped and people were still holding onto their ask Jeeves favorite searches.
This is how we shut this stuff down. Start reporting their own people.