This doesn’t exactly answer your question, but I use the binhex qbittorrent-vpn image for this. It might work for you too unless you were wanting to be able to reuse the same wireguard container for something else?
This doesn’t exactly answer your question, but I use the binhex qbittorrent-vpn image for this. It might work for you too unless you were wanting to be able to reuse the same wireguard container for something else?
At home vs. for work are very different. At home, I self host as much as I can. At work, I use as many managed services as I can. Especially databases.
You don’t say.
This is where we say switch to Linux, right?
You get to drink from the fire hose!!!
Wordpress is just the worst
Oh man I went through this phase too. I had the clear acrylic case and a bunch of those UV CCFL tubes.
I will (and have been) doing my absolute to avoid buying any kind of physical device that requires an app to function
Same. It’s becoming more difficult every day.
The idea of shipping something like that just makes me not want to do anything at all lol. It’s like a chicken and egg problem. Maybe if I could find someone local to buy it, then I would do the new build. But then I’d have no nas for that in between time. Hmmmm.
I’m in the process of divorcing my one giant server into separate nas and compute-only machines, I was going to leave the big one as the nas and maybe swap out its guts for something more power efficient than the dual socket beast since it will only need to handle storage now, but it might be easier to sell as a whole and do an all new itx build 🤔
My wallet is gonna hate me.
I really like that little case. I have a fractal xl r2 right now and it’s a monster.
Can I get uhhhh boneless pizza
I’ve been considering moving to this build in particular for lower power usage and heat output, but they have some other dual socket builds if you want more cpu power.
Some good ideas on this site if you are interested in building your own
We will call it… Dumb Crowdstrike.
Damn. I’d have tried a chargeback, especially if their site is incorrect or misleading (idk how recently this was). It’s damn near impossible to see who actually has the best prices because you can’t tell what anything really costs until they tack on all the horse shit fees after returning the car.
Can confirm, got fucked by Hertz last time I rented a car. Who’s your go to?
Nobody’s mentioned that the vulnerability was “immediately” fixed (within 24h according to a comment on a related post in the cybersecurity community). Like, the fact that this is even possible to begin with is obviously bullshit, and makes me wish I’d ripped the starlink box out of my car, but this is not the rampant and actively exploited thing that the headline would have me believe it is.