Ooooof lol hello engineers???
Ooooof lol hello engineers???
There is a reason people call him tech Jesus. Man’s company/ channel is doing the journalism and work we should expect from all major news outlets.
No. But also. Yes. But also. No
Fine. Sometimes. 😆
No smell doesn’t impact potency. Terps are volatile so you are smelling them off gas/evaporate. Properly cured and stored bud 58-62% RH will usually have less smell as the terpenes are less volatile in this range.
Now if it’s like. Old bud. Yeah. Its lack of smell could give insight into its age as all the terps have evaporated. Leaving you with a subpar tasting flower.
Best guess I’d assume the flower is 20% thc. This seems to be about the average for a good grow imo. Variance happens but 20% seems like a safe bet.
Oh fuck. That’d give me pause too. Haven’t experienced a lack of fries yet. But for 2 burgers at 30 bucks. I’d expect enough for both of you lol
Yeah. But their fries go hard. Lmao.
Denying the plant to have genetic variance causes issues you say!?!?
Look into bananas if you wanna know why banana flavoring doesn’t taste like our current bananas
Not only that. It stops a lot of the AI micro trading bullshit
Should. They should be taxed extremely heavily to try and stop that loop hole and abuse of power.
While I like this I fear it’s too costly. Good journalism is pricey. And good comedy is pricey. I don’t know how well those two fields overlap. But I know I’ve seen good combos with Jon Stewart and Jon Oliver. So it’s for sure a possibility. I’d pay the onion for real news tbh.
You are aware Biden spent his presidency over turning the stuff Trump did that caused a lot of the issues right?
I don’t know this actual setup but the documentation seems good at explaining it.
“Somehow” ie. billionaires support his insanity.
No. It’s always been rather cordial if not a bit of mud slinging. Till trump entered and started questioning Obama birth certificate imo. Maybe I’m just too young to remember insane shit like that prior though.
And what about project 2025. That total teeheee not our plan teeheee thing …
Have you looked into something like Atlas OS?
Laws should not be written to abuse people. Re educate yourself friend.
Yeah. But this person spent money on it so they want their devices to run it. I don’t get your point.
I need to finally look into this shit. I bought a domain and everything but have never tried to make anything actually exposed. Meh. Maybe I hyper fixate on it this week. Fingers crossed.