The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything
That’s not entirely correct: One achievement was me donating money to the IA after this nonsense 😁
This is the correct answer. Don’t overthink this. Just go, have a look and that’s it. Tell everybody involved that you don’t have to proof anything if they ask.
I know people who could afford this house easily that walk around like a regular farmer. Sales people having regular contact with wealthy people know this.
I’m relaxed. IMHO this is just another trend.
In all my career I haven’t seen a single customer who was able to tell me out of the box what they need. Big part of my job is to talk to all entities to get the big picture. Gather information about Soft- and Hardware interfaces, visit places to see PHYSICAL things like sub processes or machines.
My focus may be shifted to less coding in an IDE and more of generating code with prompts to use AI as what it is: a TOOL.
I’m annoyed of this mentality of get rich quick, earn a lot of money with no work, develop software without earning the skills and experience. It’s like using libraries for every little problem you have to solve. Worst case you land in dependency/debug hell and waste much more time debugging stuff other people wrote than coding it by yourself and understanding how the things work under the hood.
He is so fluffy I imagine it’s impossible to resist giving belly rubs 😍