Yeah that’s a fair point but its a full website with only one page for streaming in this case
Seems this is the way to go amongst all the replies. Didn’t realise i could reverse proxy a camera stream! Thank you
Seems this is the way to go amongst all the replies Didn’t realise i could reverse proxy a camera stream! Thank you
Reverse proxy the stream and reference itself in the reverse proxied website? Is there no way to do it internally in nginx?
Hadn’t heard of it before. Thank you!
I dont know… you tell us! There is a market for all sorts of things
In any case this isn’t an OF/ kink kind of website, rest assured :)
Ooh i see. So Funnel provides an encrypted tunnel and proxy URL for the camera stream out of my network?
So i point the video player to that “public” address and its good to go?
Nothing obvious in the browser logs. Not even a 404 but ill check the other logs again. Thanks!
I need the website to serve to public users but the website itself is out of scope of this post.
One of the pages will be a video player
Apologies if it wasn’t clear.
Yes, I have an RTSP stream all the way to my local network. I can pick up the RTSP stream and also HLS, WebRTC etc. all locally. For all intents and purposes I have a stream ready to go on the local network at 192.168.X.A
The webserver is also on 192.168.X.Y and serves wordpress just fine.
I just dont know how to make the two talk. When I go to https:// website. com the embedded stream looking for 192.168.X.A doesn’t work
However if I go directly to 192.168.X.A in my browser the stream works just fine (I’ve ommited ports in this comment)
Free, self hostable, not subscription based, and lots of support. I’m making a whole website of which one page will be a “live stream”. Happy to explore other options though!
Edit: It won’t be a high traffic production website btw. Just a basic one for a select few users
Is that just to bring the webserver/ WordPress on to the same subnet? Because they already are at this point… everything’s on the 192.X subnet.
At this point we can ignore the VPN and just assume I’m trying to pick the stream up from mediaMTX
Codium. It’s VSCode without the proprietary stuff
Check Opus and Maha branded intelligent chargers
Understand its not your fault and you shouldnt blame the world. Everyone goes through this at some point (esp guys) - be it skinny, fat, coloured or not, tall or short. Everyone has their preferences.
Giving up on actively finding a girlfriend is probably the best thing to do in your situation - but not out of spite - some women find an attractiveness in someone who has fun in their own presence. People want to be a part of that joy. Being bitter will only drive away friends and potential relationships.
With that said, do your own thing. If being skinny bothers you (and you alone, not what anyone else thinks), hit the gym and eat more? Try more activites either solo or with friends. Maybe even some extreme sports which a partner would otherwise not join you in. Just enjoy life and someone will come. I know people who found relationships in the most unexpected of times and places.
I understand theres an inch in the intimate department that cant be scratched with just normal friendships but idk, resist tbe urge or find other outputs to bring your urges back down enough so you can just be you and comfortable
Why you decided to ask this question whilst hypothetically in the shower, im not sure i want to know
I find if I have NTFS problems, throw it back on windows, do a disk repair then come back to Linux.
Also remember to fully shut down (not sleep or hibernate) windows before removing the disk so windows doesn’t lock up anything
Edit: the error actually tells you the latter of what I mentioned… So back to windows you go for a shutdown before removal
Most people have answered doing a rollback is the best way. I usually find some updates break things then later updates dont have the issues.
But I wanted to add if you go in to yast snapshots and double click a snapshot you can actually select specific changes to rollback via checkboxes. I’ve not tried this yet though because of dependencies and whatnot
Mid way through installing underfloor insulation. Managed to do some rewiring, adding extra sockets, replace steel water pipes and apply woodworm treatment in the process. Sadly I’m sapped of time and energy so its all slow going