Feels like there ought to be a term… it’s kind of a mix between “vicious circle”, “feedback loop”, and “echo chamber”.
Public Key Fingerprint: 0x7FFAE9D0 7D64C571 8DB0297E AD51C258 0E479CD4
Feels like there ought to be a term… it’s kind of a mix between “vicious circle”, “feedback loop”, and “echo chamber”.
Pretty much just now, they rebranded to Legcord
The 8th amendment has a clause that disallows “excessive bail”. In Stack v. Boyle, the Supreme Court found this to mean “that a defendant’s bail cannot be set higher than an amount that is reasonably likely to ensure the defendant’s presence at the trial.” So it follows that IN THEORY, bail is SUPPOSED to be set at an amount that is consistent with the defendant’s financial resources (including, it would also follow, increasing the amount for more wealthy people to ensure that it has the same proportionate effect on the defendant’s decision-making process).
Of course, that rule is just a bunch of meaningless words if nobody enforces it… and guess what, the main way to enforce this is by bringing a suit against the government alleging that they violated the rule. So IN PRACTICE (speculation warning here, I’m just some guy), I would imagine that they just set bail schedules at a level where anyone who can afford to pay won’t be able to win an “excessive bail” lawsuit, and anyone who can’t afford to pay it will also probably not be able to afford the cost of that lawsuit.
And something tells me that we aren’t likely to see a wealthy person suing the government for not setting bail high enough for them.
There are now 15 standards
No, there is and always has been just the one standard text editor.
Why are they encrypting their communications? Do they have something to hide?
If they’ve got nothing to hide, then they’ve got nothing to fear.
Or so I’ve heard, anyway, right?
Indeed, there was a time when they would just fix things without calling them “recalls”.
Then, the government claimed that it was illegal for the company to update things like this — even over-the-air — without also calling them “recalls” and going through this exercise.
I’ve bought a few of these before (no affiliation) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCL7TJ48
Edit: this is a link to 1.5V rechargeable batteries, which I commented before OP’s edit acknowledging them.