Musk also said that the company could become cash-flow positive “within months” nearly two years ago, and it still faces over $1 billion in annual interest payments on the loans.
3 months maybe, 6 months definitely
Musk also said that the company could become cash-flow positive “within months” nearly two years ago, and it still faces over $1 billion in annual interest payments on the loans.
3 months maybe, 6 months definitely
Does stagnant actually mean negative?
But does running this cost the AI bot at least as much as it costs you to run?
Why would we ever elect an asshole president though?
I didn’t say it was, I’m just answering the dude’s question
It’s a joke. I think it’s a bug or something
This is better than because it can scrobble your listens up to an hour before you play them.
Try the verbose version < Credence Clearwater Revival >
The official Proton client or Open VPN with Proton credentials?
Great explanation. Quick follow up question.
One thing I necessarily will want to install is Proton VPN*. Per their website,
Our app officially supports the latest stable Ubuntu LTS version running the GNOME desktop environment. It should work on most distributions based on Ubuntu, but we haven’t tested them and therefore do not officially support them.
This makes it sound like it will only work on gnome DE and implies it won’t work on Ubuntu with KDE (for example)
*ok, so I’m also aware that you can use Proton VPN through open vpn somehow but for the purposes of my understanding of distribution vs DE, let’s just ignore that for now.
I have installed and used Ubuntu in the past. Now I’m exploring a project that uses a raspberry pi and I’m running into terms that I don’t know how to distinguish between.
This article is conflating terms that I need help distinguishing between. The other commenter mentioned that Ubuntu is a type of Debian but this article lists Debian and Ubuntu as distributions.
Awesome. Thank you. So I understand why a debian package wouldn’t work on Fedora, but are there Kubuntu packages that wouldn’t work on Lubuntu? Otherwise is there “Kedora” and “Ludora”?
I’ll check out Redacted
What percentage of us love pirating music and putting it on Plex?
Like which operating system it runs and the user interface and what the remote is like and how big the bezels are and how good the sound quality is and how many hdmi ports it has… Like if you care about some specific detail make sure it has the thing you want or doesn’t have a version you hate
Unless you’re picky about certain small details, this is a solid choice
If you’re looking for the best bang for your buck look at LED TVs. Different companies have different names for their specific LED technology, like QLED or MiniLED. If you’re looking for the best bang irrespective of bucks, go for an OLED.
Then choose your brand on which OS it uses and other features. Then crank up the size until you reach $1,000.
Don’t be surprised if “I’ve been sending texts for decades and nothing bad has happened” turns out to be a stronger case than “the YouTube video onomatopoeia send me”.