Plasma 6 and Wayland are working great under Tumbleweed for me on my 2-in-1 laptop, but there’s still no usable virtual keyboard package like Maliit in Factory.
Plasma 6 and Wayland are working great under Tumbleweed for me on my 2-in-1 laptop, but there’s still no usable virtual keyboard package like Maliit in Factory.
That’s why many modern SoCs have a smaller core for realtime in addition to larger application processors. TI Sitara (Beaglebone) has 2 fast custom arch coprocessors for IO with access to most pins and the ability to DMA into the AP’s address space. All Raspberry Pis up through Pi4 run a proprietary ThreadX runtime on a graphics processor (VPU) to handle bootstrapping the ARM APs, housekeeping, and a large part of the IO.
Scratch machine to test Ansible playbooks for maintaining and restoring your other servers.
Then they trip balls, see their life flash before their eyes, and become a space baby. Could be worse.
I never used Itanium, but I’m guessing that the Alpha workstations also ran x86 code faster than the Itaniums. fx!32 was one of DEC’s marvels that they completely forgot to market.
Similar, but not the same. The biggest difference of course is that the MIPS ISA is still commercially licensed while RISC-V’s ISA is open.
Tumbleweed is boring, and that’s why it’s wonderful.
Nah. The current license holder for MIPS announced its death a couple of years ago.
RISC-V is the new hotness.
Costco still runs stores on AS/400. Ever wonder what those all-text terminals are all over the store?
Correct. We’ve replaced all our incandescent bulbs except for two 60w contractor bulbs in the a hallway that were installed when the house was built 18 years ago. All of the original higher wattage incandescents died within the first couple of years.
The C64 had a notoriously garbage power supply that would eventually cook the machine regardless of how clean your line power is.
A large green pushbutton with a Molly guard labeled “OK” I found in a scrap pile behind the physics building.
CC-NC prevents commercial use…
Nonfiction oldies that still hold up: The Cuckoo’s Egg by Clifford Stoll and The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder.
Ctrl-[ is escape in ASCII (not specifically ANSI/VT100/etc), and Ctrl is sometimes abbreviated as ^.
I don’t know the exact history of why this is a thing that comes up with vi often. My guess is that ESC on the ADM-3a terminal that vi originally targeted influenced it. On ADM-3a, ESC is where tab is on a PC-101 keyboard, a comfy key to hit while touch typing. When later terminals started to move ESC a couple of rows up it was more ergonomic to hit ctrl-[ instead.
Don’t sleep on OpenSuSE. It supports everything you’re looking for and has options for periodic and rolling release.
A real life series of fetch quests on acid. Myst and SCP had a lovechild, and it’s a four story tall warehouse in Denver.
I have an HL-2270DW and the toner low light comes on well before prints start washing out. Fortunately the toner life is tracked by a plastic gear on the cartridge, and it takes just a minute to roll it back. When it does run out, good third party replacements are under $20.