Oh, I agree, but I’ll still take whatever anxiety relief I can get right now.
Oh, I agree, but I’ll still take whatever anxiety relief I can get right now.
Y’know, as unrealistic as this (probably? I’m not really sure of anything, anymore) is, seeing this pop up in my scrolling gave me a bit of relief. I’ve been so terrified and angry and anxious and unsure of the (immediate) future that it’s practically paralyzed me. Knowing that this pipedream is there helped me breathe for a moment. I’ll take what relief I can get right now.
Costco was about the same per dozen (business costco had 15 doz for ~$137) and they’re supposed to be cheaper because of membership fees and buying in bulk. But, hey, at least those damned trans folk are miserable! That’s all any of us ever really wanted, right?
Oh look, another brick wall on which to bang my head until I do enough brain damage to understand the reichright.
My understanding is that this message went out to all federal employees, not just NASA.
Yeah, I had to check that this wasn’t in aneurysm posting.
Was choosing “neither; both suck” an option? Because it doesn’t seem like it, from the article, but I can’t tell.
You forgot Nazi.
Yeah, this doesn’t feel like a blunder. This is just more of the usual bullshit.
Time to make him Tim Apple to everyone else, too.
The red spot on black indicates this specimen is a black widow.
Yeah, these look like three different people. Mugshot doesn’t look like the gunman, but does kinda resemble the taxi passenger. I’m not convinced this is the guy.
If you have money to invest, you aren’t struggling to survive.
I don’t disagree with you that slave labor is bad regardless of who, what, where, how. I disagree, however, that there’s not much difference between purchasing products you need and investing in a business.
Some folks can’t afford anything except cheap clothing/household goods from overseas, where they are often made in sweatshops with slave and/or child labor; it’s not their fault that they can’t afford to purchase ethical products. No one needs to invest in a business, though, so choosing to invest in one that deals in slavery is that investor’s fault.
For those of us who can afford ethically-sourced/made items, though, I agree that it’s quite similar. I have no excuses other than people are, as a whole, not good to each other. :(
Anyone voluntarily participating in the US for-profit prison system is, almost assuredly, a problematic person with questionable morals.
It’s literally making money off of slavery. If you would not be proud to call yourself a slave-owner, I’d hope you would also not be proud to invest in slavery.
Royal “you,” by the way. Not OP, specifically.
My first thought was also M&M-Peep chili; glad I’m not the only one about to go to the bathroom, forever.
Well, it won’t be hardship anymore when we’re all dead, so there’s that light at the end of the tunnel.
Or is that just a self-driving Tesla about to hit me?
So…did you draw her like one of your French pups?also, she’s adorable!
Seconding everything here, but emphasizing point 2. Some folks have metal allergies or sensitivities - nickel is a common one, for example.
Surgical steel is usually safe, but still best to confirm she doesn’t have any particular sensitivities.
Oooo, like that game where you make a sentence using the suggested words to me and I don’t know what to do with it too much scrutiny on the way to the point of the same thing as a young man and I don’t want anyone else starting with the same person as a young person who cares about it but they don’t have to be a human anymore just an idea of the time and then have enough of a relationship with him and Burns ensues after themselves.
I don’t feel good that this was my reaction, but I stand by it: