This is literally the only field in which anyone says it’s helpful, and I have made effort to reach out to users to see if it’s really helping. And even then, about half the programmers I’ve talked to about it (out of maybe a dozen) say that it’s either useless for their particular field of coding, or extremely hit-or-miss, it’s more like a quick dice-roll to see if the thing gives them something useful.
He was Time’s person of the year too. Funny that you got a downvote for speaking this but it’s so important to remember.
All of this is correct, but people get really pissed at these facts because we live in a demented cartoon world where the majority of people run on reactions and feelings, so if they read anything other than emotional condemnations they lose their shit. Which is exactly why we have another set of Hitlers gaining power without resistance. Because you idiots out there can’t get it through your thick skulls that people like Hitler and the Nazis were PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME. Not monsters, not inhuman creatures, but idiots who thought they were doing the right thing because they let reactions and feelings guide them.