Cool. How much does it make on Global Warming alarism & fear?
Cool. How much does it make on Global Warming alarism & fear?
Yeah, it seems like such an unnecessary layer! Why login to your desktop, phone etc then have to login to a server also? I prefer to just open an application that has the feeds direct from source!
Mooby gives good advice! I tried out different distros in vm’s for 6 months after which I found myself very familiar and living in one more than my base os. At that point I nuked macos and installed Kubuntu no regrets. Kubuntu is a great start due to the popular Ubuntu base. Kinoite would be a good choice for its immutability. If set on Opensuse then choose Gecko as a more friendly way to install it.
The baron knight who owned this castle was betrayed. When he was on the john the enemy was notified and they catapulted him. The Prostjana caves nearby are also awesome!
They are not quite aweful, but thank the tao Plasma is customizable and you can set your own icon set.
Here’s the thing; If Hama’s - an Israeli construction - does not kill foreigners, than how will the powers behind them be able to drag the rest of the world into the conflict? The aim is wwIII. They need to involve all nations. After Israel cracks down on Palestine this will draw in Iran and the Arab nations. The conflict will erupt in other countries.
So I guess you cannot process anything other than black/white logical fallacies let alone analogies.
People can grow food in the absence of technology - but subsistence living is a hell of time!
nb. Marxists still have no answer for the calculation problem.
What? How the f do you transition from ‘not only’ to ‘isn’t necessary’? That is not logic - that is mental gymnastics with a triple back flip! Profit is the PRIMARY motivator! People wish to move away from discomfort more than anything else. Currency is the best way of alleviating discomfort!
Linux and open source in general completely blow apart capitalist arguments that profit motive
Wrong! Linux and open source only shows that the profit motive is not the only motive. One should broaden the definition of profit to encompass value in all its forms. ie A person can gain value from the satisfaction of DIY as it can be self-empowering. One can gain emotional value from sharing. It also invokes the law of reciprocation - value exchange but without a $ sign. The Open source ecosystem is also heavily funded by business who relies on open source components. It is a capital investment.
Many will scream ‘but FLOSS is political’. In fact the opposite is true! FLOSS is a reaction against the political imposition called Intellectual Property. It is ANTI-political!
You do know Capitalism was making the slave trade unfeasable. Technology is superior at mass production. It increasingly made sense to invest in machinery etc. The most skilled slaves were eventually given free reign and only had to pay a fee to their master. White nations and their Capitalist technology ended slavery - at least in the Western world.
Thanks, however I cannot find anything about integration with Nextcloud! Could you provide a link please?
Ok, what a few crazy days exploring options!
Keeweb deb would not install. The appimage did! Keeweb Nextcloud installed.
Keeweb desktop could import my csv export (but displayed it incorrectly) The app would not connect to Nextcloud. It turns out the project has been unmaintained for over 2 years.
I could export a backup from keeweb desktop a kdbd file for the keepass profile though. I opened the desktop backup in Keeweb Nextcloud. Both desktop app and browser look great - but do not communicate.
I then uploaded the kdbx file to Nextcloud files.
Exploring other apps I found Authpass desktop and Android app to be the best. There is no automatic sync however. This has to be triggered manually from whatever app you are on.
After trying to activate the Nextcloud file kdbx for Nextcloud Keeweb I eventually managed to click in the right place. So now I had the desktop, cloud and phone working together, well, when manually triggered that is!
Now to sort out the wrong formatting! After installing many app and messing about with python scripts I could not get the data fields right. Keepass2 app suppose to have an import function. It was greyed out. I uninstalled it, but later came back when I learnt that you needed to create a database first before importing onto it! I chose a Bitwarden json - and it worked!
Ok, going well! Now I just need a browser extension! Fail! None could grep the kdbx file from Authpass or Nextcloud! At least none that could create passwords! This is actually my main point of interaction with passwords. An essential component.
So, I have actually ended backup where I started - using Nextcloud Passwords! I cleared up one annoyance sort of. That was, that every time I used biomemetrics to open the Android app it then also asked me TWICE to enter my password! I switched to pin and I only have to enter it once.
The Nextcloud desktop app, which is actually still a work in progress, is the only sore point. It opens tiny and the geometry cannot be set as it does not use the KDE window rules. The UI is awful and I need to go to settings - themes to change the theme in order to see the text. There is no search or export/backup. It is near useless at this point. Hopefully it will develop!
If only they would fork Keeweb desktop! It is full featured and beautiful! More beautiful than all the other Keepass apps and better looking that Bitwarden also.
nb.I never got to test out Passman.
Thanks! I will check it out!
I am now looking at Keeweb! Is there an Android Keepass compatible app to complement it?
Thanks for the field report! Good to know!
Yes, but an encrypted spreadsheet (which I have) is always going to be old. The NC client is terrible! You have to change the theme every time to read the text. You cannot add a new password, search or export the db.
Normies using Spotify, “what even is this??”