X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.
X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.
The links to Wikipedia are actual citations to real sources
I read an interesting article a few years ago about the Wikipedia source problem. It did a dive into how sources that seem legitimate on Wikipedia can and up citing sources that are less so. They were able to trace back the citations to Wikipedia itself. So no, they’re not always real sources.
LLMs basically just generate something that looks like the link to a credible source which might support what it’s said. It doesn’t care if its “source” actually supports what it says.
Which is why you read the page it has linked for you as a source. Unless you’re trying to say it full on generates a page for you.
What I mean is I use it to get the links to those sources. Like when you use Wikipedia as a jumping off point. I don’t think we’re at the point yet where we have the problem Wikipedia sometimes has that the sources used sometimes themselves just cite Wikipedia.
I’ve found bing ai is quite good if you ask for the source after anything it spits out.
If something like this had been about I’d have had it done at 21 rather than my wife fucking up her hormones with the pill for a few years before we ended up getting the permanent snip.
£500 well spent. Though I’m still annoyed that my local NHS trust wouldn’t fund it.
That doesn’t sound like it’ll be legal in a lot of countries.
Na mate, I asked first.
You got something to back that up? The last study I read (I think it was from Volvo comparing one of their EVs against the ICE version of the car) showed between 60 and 80 thousand miles (depending on the energy generation mix) was the tipping point where EVs became better.
And that was probably about 5 years ago, there’s been a lot of significant development in EVs since then.
So, he paid for a period. Then the product was discontinued and they stopped charging him. So from then on, no he wasn’t paying. Google didn’t have to change it to read only, they could have just given notice and deleted it then.
Should they have made it clearer that the read only mode was a limited time thing and the data would be deleted at the end of that? Very probably.
I understand they are two separate judges, but the law should be the same for all, not at the interpretation of whichever judge you get.
That’s literally a big chunk of law. So there must be something other than it just being the judge’s interpretation.
Any Kobo ereader
Much better for loading your own content than kindle as it supports more formats natively. You can also load alternative ereader applications to it via niclemenu opening it up further.
They also natively support borrowing books from your library through overdrive.
Wait until you try french butter.
Because the USA a large industrial economy.
Though I agree it would be also nice to see a comparison with the EU.
I have no idea what you’re doing wrong. All the led bulbs I’ve got are coming up on ten years old and working fine.
Look at my watch and wonder when it’s socially acceptable to leave.
Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath
But you wouldn’t text another iPhone. You’d WhatsApp the person.