Containerized holodeck clusters.
Really this should probably be the norm anyway. Why would a holodeck require root access to any vital ship functions if all it needs to do is simulate entirely fake environments and characters?
Containerized holodeck clusters.
Really this should probably be the norm anyway. Why would a holodeck require root access to any vital ship functions if all it needs to do is simulate entirely fake environments and characters?
RSS is one of those things that I grew up always seeing online but never really took the time to understand what it is or how it worked.
Until about a year ago when I set up FreshRSS. Now RSS is like the primary way I consume news online, I can’t believe it took me until current year to get onboard with the concept.
And then what are the odds that it’s still a decade behind photoshop?
You change your mind often.
Saturation slider go brrr
Jeff Bezos Announces Resignation
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie
Plexamp seems to tick all the boxes, but yeah that plex pass requirement is a bit of a downer.
This has been known since the dawn of the internet
They changed their logo gasp
The joke didn’t land (pun intended,) but I think they were referring to all the 737 MAX issues that have completely ruined Boeing’s reputation
Full disclosure, I haven’t actually read the article but is it really a scandal? Just create a new speedrun category for preset seeded runs. The old record stays and people can now try to hunt for the most efficient seeds.
Well that was a heartbreaking start to the weekend
Having been able to dodge all spoilers before playing the final release version of Subnautica, I could not imagine subjecting myself to a playtest or early access of Subnautica 2. Below Zero may have been a disappointment but I’d rather take the chance of discovering that for myself than risk ruining what could be a once in a lifetime experience by trying to play it before it’s finished.
The future of gaming is spending thousands of dollars on a custom built 1 to 1 cockpit and then yet more thousands of dollars on a headset that cannot possibly properly track where the outline of the controls end and the room begins to project a 3-dimensional space without clipping and breaking immersion.
It’s still relying on your own environment and this is describing an extremely niche market.
Ok but how would projecting a detailed control system onto your desk be any better than a normal HMD that shows where your hands are in a completely virtual environment?
I don’t see how mixed reality could be gaming’s future when it relies on your own environment to project on to. Gaming is an escape from reality.
I mean, this episode shows shot after shot of expendable video game baddies having their torsos splayed open from neck to navel using power tools.
It’s sad but it’s true. Had the bundle been announced before launch, people would have been lining up to preorder.
If you are choosing a DE to use out of the box with no customizing, you’re choosing plasma?
Gnome’s selling point isn’t its customizability, just as plasma’s selling point isn’t its OOTB experience.
If you aren’t testing your backups then you don’t have backups.