Which Australia? Cuz I just saw a compilation of Australian TV hosts and politicians saying Israel is only killing terrorists, and there is no genocide.
Which Australia? Cuz I just saw a compilation of Australian TV hosts and politicians saying Israel is only killing terrorists, and there is no genocide.
Well Windows 10 at least lets you create a local user account. you can’t even install windows 11 without having a microsoft online account, because you need a Microsoft account to be able to create a local user.
Same. After 20 years of distro hopping and living on latest releases, Debian feels like home with the least amount of broken packages and general overall panic.
Just because you married the daughter of someone dumb, the rest of us should suffer? Due to this walled garden approach, the big companies are carving pieces of once open Internet to create their own secluded corners which only stifles competition. I always liked apple as a technology company, but their transition into a lifestyle brand only emboldened their gatekeeping. I am glad they were forced to adapt to USB-C, and I hope that in future, they be forced to open their AppStore.
They aren’t just admitting, they are gloating at this point, and the rest of other world hypocrites are staying quiet like bitches.
There is a crackdown/entrapment going on, and many people who took part in Pro-Palestinian demonstrations are then ID and catalogued. Palestinian flags on apartment windows and student dormitories are taken down by police. Not to mention, Palestinian flag that was painted in a shop’s garage next to my house and has been there for literally 10 years, was painted over by the city government today. There is a concentrated effort to silence any Palestinian voice, and Germans are just as “clueless” like they were back in the 1940s.
Ok, let’s agree that humans evolved to become school shooters, but how does abortion play a part in it. Abortion actually eliminates possible school shooters, so it balances it out.
Damn. In the old days, I would have yanked the power cable out, but I probably wouldn’t remember powering off the laptop either. Kudos for posting about it though.
Israel humiliated Biden during Obama’s term when Biden went to visit Israel and suggested in soft words that they don’t expand illegal settlements. Israel basically said screw you in the press conference, and Biden took it like an obedient slave. Really showed the world who holds his leash.
So you are basically saying that Israel uses Jews as human shields against antisemitism.
Israeli strikes flatten buildings, mosques in Gaza
Nothing new, Israel has been doing that for decades now.
Do gay people really care about being blessed by the Pope? Pedos I can imagine might have some affinity towards the Catholic church, but gays, Nah.
Do gay people really care about being blessed by the Pope? Pedos I can imagine might have some affinity towards the Catholic church, but gays, Nah.
Having lived through a bedbugs pandemic, this shit is more serious than COVID. It’s impossible to get rid of them except burning all your possessions and changing apartments. As someone who reside a train ride away from Paris, I demand border control now.
Not the bad mouth Canada, but Canada gets bullied by other countries all the time, it’s just India stepped up this time. What is Canada gonna do really? My bet is on Canada to be the one apologizing in the end.
So more bomb blasts in the coming days ?
Not to be a dick, but I was expecting way more than two dead people after the word ‘spree’.
That’s one way to defeat Russia. Have them eat garbage food.
I get spam calls from Europol from time to time where the person on the other end tries to convince me that I have done some criminal activity and should pay a fine. Funny enough, if I say indian curse words, they cut the call.
I am thinking of deploying a RAG system to ingest all of Linus’s emails, commit messages and pull request comments, and we will have a Linus chatbot.