I can understand the funds for Ukraine 100%. They are fighting a giant aggressor that has superior numbers.
But doesn’t Israel have a pretty huge and well equipped army considering their population? Especially compared to Hamas that is a guerrilla force.
Also the fighting is limited to a area that is fenced in by them, Egypt and the Mediterranean. What kind of new military equipment worth 14 billion would be needed?
It’s also ironic to support a conflict with 14 billion and on the other side plan 9 billion for humanitarian aid to combat the misery needed because of it.
The current coalition is sadly very weak when it comes to shaping the conversation. The far right, the CxU and FDP have convinced the population immigration is the biggest problem we have, while it could be handled with better organisation.
Immigration will not go away, rather increase to climate factors. We need to build up structures to handle it better.
When I was little people said dogs would sniff you to figure out who you are. I thought when a dog smells you they know your name, address, …
And maybe they do?
Some posts mention people giving away billions in their later life. That sounds great.
However, you need to ask yourself how much of their obscene wealth was created by screwing someone else over? Essentially nobody can get so rich without taking money out of the pockets of other people. You can’t just generate money out of thin air.
I need a source for that.
After the last election the Berlin state government changed from left to more right leaning. The conservative CDU is now part of the coalition. I’m not sure if this decision was made before the switch, but the new government already halted the opening of new bike paths that have already been build, because the area is currently used as parking spots. Really annoying and backwards.
I don’t name my computers, but usually name my OS drive Brain and the media drive Pinky.
I used EndavourOS for a while until I realized I didn’t use any of the distros features after the installation.
archinstall is basically just a text menu with the same option as a GUI installer.
I ended up with a vanilla arch install with my preferred DE. Drivers installed, network configured. Ready to go.