I successfully got a few rubber bullet scars
I successfully got a few rubber bullet scars
You are technically correct though. I probably shouldn’t have thrown enshittification into it, as they are somewhat unrelated. But, the loss of neutrality makes it unbearably easy for the monsters. I personally get frustrated with the current state because those of us that fought against it’s repeal saw this coming long before the bastards finally got their way.
At the beginning of COVID and online shopping to boot! Ma and Pa businesses everywhere forced to close their doors, and little option to sell their goods online without bowing down to the man
Yes, but what I’m getting at is that the repeal of net neutrality gives telecom companies that as you correctly stated were never good to consumers in the first place, the power to now fully, legally kneecap everyone that’s not already a monster monopoly.
This drives us into an even further monopolistic state, as you can’t get yourself out there without them. Which in turn allows them to make the product way shittier than they could have otherwise, as they now know they hold all the cards, and can’t just easily take our business elsewhere
Keeping Republicans out of office and the FCC is a good start. Obama fought against repealing it his entire presidency, despite tons of pressure from big tech and the other side of the aisle. I think it’s congress would have to change laws to protect it?
MAGA brain, Capitalist pain. Or just Capital pain
MAGA brain, Capitalist pain
I edited it to be more readable
Not currently, no. But, that’s a large part of what net neutrality insured. That ISP’s weren’t allowed to create fast lanes for companies that paid, and throttle those that don’t. It’s one of the most talked about aspects of net neutrality. You think they’ve all been allowed to do it now for the past three years, and just haven’t?
Sick of YouTube’s shit? Heres this open source alternative, awesome!
Buffer, buffer, buffer… ISP says, lulz, no neutrality, throttled bitch!
Try a VPN. They’re all largely shit for a different reason. We sold out freedom out of fear of the WMD’s
Yea, the enshittification process predates the internet, so yes.
However, the loss of net neutrality has lead to these monopolies being able to rapidly speed the process in a large number of ways, from ways they work with and imprison advertisers and vendors to their platforms.
Their ability to buy telecoms favor. With the death of net neutrality, now broadband Bros shape the face of the internet for the most elite and powerful companies. Silencing the little websites and startups that used to show up in search results amongst giants like Amazon, eBay, Facebook marketplace, Ali, etc. for ma and pa trying to run a small buisness. Making us all slaves to these monopolies, and the handful of companies you must deal with, enshittification, obnoxious new ads, and all, just to reach the masses.
Elon says you can’t even put your Mastadon handle on Twitter, etc. I could go on and on.
The death of net neutrality has emboldened big tech in a massive way, as if it wasn’t bad enough before. It had pretty much insured that the big boys all get a fat cut of everybodies pie, and you just gotta grin while you eat their shit, or starve
Woke DEI immigrant bastards strike again! Wake up Merica
Think that’s “droppin’ and yellin’”
Yeah, you don’t wanna let that cat outta the bag. It’ll be like the Radiohead Just video up in here
Will you at least tell jokes, like Louis CK while you violate everybody?
Seriously though: not cool
deleted by creator
I prefer a lot more kick, and found a chipotle habanero sauce. But yeah, chipotle is best jalepeńo. Smokey goodness!
Walk Hard is one of my favorites. Also 2007, so not so recent. They fell off hard after Tropic Thunder 2008ish. MacGruber was okay. Popstar would be the only one I can think of that’s fairly recent
I heard that he shamed and belittled the couch for not getting pregnant, and said if he ever had the power, he would revoke its right to vote