Unfortunately open sourcing is not an option without certification, cause vehucles will not be allowed to go on roads.
At least here in europe
A company in my city created an EV conversion kit for any cars years ago. As they could not get certification for all models, they made a partnership with the constructor and managed to have certification for only 1 model (Renault Master, a utility truck) and now the company is controlled by Renault (the constructor).
They indeed killed the competition…
As an european I’m baffled with your numbers. You pay monthly what I pay yearly in electricity, and your gas bill seems insane too
Check on youtube there is probably a video on how to open and do it your laptop model
Surprisingly yes it is, cause big cities are in valleys which are flat (valleys were flattened by massive glaciers), and there is a lovely bike infrastructure.
damn you just reminded me my mom bought a basic calculator with tiny solar panel 25 years ago : it is still working !
damn wild trees crossing street
They will if they are forced by regulation : 10y mandatory warrantee, right to repair, standardized swappable batteries, spare parts production for 20y…
but we need politics who set up such regulations
Or just learn to ignore it, like advertising : when I see a troll I just think “allright this is bullshit” and move on
Then after only 4-5 years of this they are slaughtered because the milk production begins to diminish.
Waymo is going full kamikaze drone on Pick-up, next step will be SUV ?
Maybe this is a solution for oversized vehicules
so now in top of entertainement systems on videos, soundsystems, drivers will be distracted with bot conversations. Awesome.
thanks vw that is very useful… How to pay attention to the road, and others road users already fragile (pedestrians, cyclists, motocylists) on a 1,5T rolling living-room-sofa ?
A car is already too much considered as personnal property and “vital space”, yeah it is a good idea to give drivers more of this “personnal bubble” feeling. /s if it was not explicit enough
Maybe you are lucky with your car, and know how to maintain yourself. We spent already 3000$ on repairs on our 2010 car and we have it for only 5 years. And there is more to be done (dampers, belts, corrosion on exhaust…). Even with knowledge and equipment (which I do not have) engines are complicated to maintain, at least here in europe with our anti pollution regulations, older motors are more robust but are now banned from cities. EV is a good solution for city/suburbs people with small range needs as less maintainance is needed. Better solution is bike and trains…
Kuzminov and his family are currently safe in Ukraine. The pilot was rewarded with $500,000 for defecting with his helicopter after the Ukrainian government last year implemented a program that incentivizes Russian military members to defect with their equipment in exchange for hefty monetary rewards.
Nice mean to get cheap equipment
Stop checking the news.
Grab a book before sleeping rather than your phone.