
  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • If you’re out of the loop with French politics, the wiki entry for Bayrou is worth a glance:

    73 years young…

    On 21 June 2017, he resigned from the government amid an investigation into the MoDem’s allegedly fraudulent employment of parliamentary assistants, initiated earlier that month.

    Bayrou resigned [as Minister of Justice] several days before the 2017 legislative election, only 35 days after he had taken the post.

    Since September 2020, Bayrou has been the haut-commissaire au plan (a high commissioner of planning). In 2024 he has published a single note. It was in January. Nothing since. Nada. Since taking the position, the high commissioner has published a total of 17 notes.

    I live in France and thought this guy was retired for some reason.

  • If you’ve just installed Ubuntu, stick with it for a bit. Get things set up the way you like them. Make a mess if you must. But don’t switch because someone on the internet said one is better than the other. Lots of the Linux sites are just content farms (that 9to5 site) and copy other sites and then people read those and they suggest what they read.

    Mint does have some bespoke tools that users like, but those tools can be installed on other distros.

    Anyway. First, play around, make a mess, clean it up, get used to it. Then figure out how to backup the configs before you reinstall a new distro.

    Other beginner distros are Zorin and Elementary.

    I’m a Debian user myself, but I’ve been around and have tried many different distros, WMs, DEs, etc. over the past 19 years. Keep messing around and you’ll find your comfort zone.

  • Wow, LXQt is just motoring along aren’t they. I use LXQt as my daily driver, but on good old Debian Stable I won’t be seeing this for years haha. Looks like it is only available in the AUR and on Pisilinux (which is cool because it’s only just been released!).

  • I don’t want to make generalisations. I have worked with people from all around the world as a teacher at an international business school. A thing that comes up quite often is a certain close-mindedness of people in China. I never would have noticed this myself, but it was my own students from China that mentioned it to me. I’ve only been to China once for 3 weeks and I while talking to people I did hear some comments about other nationalities that made little sense historically. My friend that I was visiting there basically said that anything bad that happens in China is caused by foreigners or Uyghurs which sounds like BS to me.

    Why a child, though? That’s some evil shit. Get that person’s phone and look at ther social media, I bet their WeChat is filled with anti-Japanese shit.

    The majority of my international students are very worldly and open-minded, and every year there are more like them.

  • I ended up using Khal too. Hesitant at first, it wound up being good enough for me, especially when it comes to mass importing events. It syncs with my CalDav and phone when using vdirsyncer. 5 to 10 minutes fiddling with the config and haven’t needed to change anything in years.

  • I did this for several months. If you check out the Alpine community you’ll see that many people do this. So, it is not a dumb idea. Alpine is a “generalist” distro and comes packed with all the DEs and WMs you want. They also accept package requests and are usually pretty fast about it.

    I would recommend using the Edge branch just to have access to the newest packages, but keep an eye on the issue tracker before hitting update. Also, get on their Matrix and other accounts to follow different discussions.