They did this with Iran and pistachios too. The Wonderful company lobbied to stop imports of Iranian pistachios because they were competition.
They did this with Iran and pistachios too. The Wonderful company lobbied to stop imports of Iranian pistachios because they were competition.
He thought we could overcome problems by using capitalism. He was a true believer, not just a wealthy cynic. We would be the commies by introducing them to Coke-a-cola and blue jeans. We would solve imperialism by liberalizing previously occupied and having them join the world economy. He still wasn’t okay with having an alternative to capitalism. In a way he was a further abstraction of problems, not a counter to them. If he had continued we would continue to see imperialism, just by more abstract means. And eventually we’d still learn that you can’t have both, that the exploitation will be enforced by violence regardless of how it’s sold to the West.
When the materialism kicks in
I’m sure Diebold and/or other companies that specialize in election hardware/security will be glad to land those contracts.
Private insurance
It worked for the US. That’s why we defeated the invader Nazis and have no Nazis of our own anymore.
I know. They like to spread dangerous misinformation that helps Russia and Trump take over the world. It sucks. I wish we had an instance just for us anti-authoritarians.
Wonderful has $3.6 billion dollars worth of agricultural land in California. They also own a lot of water rights in the state. The water restrictions you hear about? Guess why it’s hard to get water to all the houses that have popped up over the last couple of decades.