tbh you should prolly use pgrep instead of piping ps into grep
tbh you should prolly use pgrep instead of piping ps into grep
Lot of people mentioning kde connect. I’m going to take a moment to clarify, kde connevts functionality is modular. you need the sshfs package for it to mount the phones filesystem over ssh. Once you’ve done that, it works pretty normally.
This is speculation:
I think a lot of it is temporarily leased or loaned. i was watching a retrobytws video recently, cant remember the exact name. but it was about this console that was ‘designed for girls’ (read what old men in suits think teenage girls want). He said a lot of.yputubers have made videos on it, but console is actually pretty rare. One or two people own pne amd loan it out to others for their videos.
Also auctioning. I gotta imagine some of it can be flipped.
Maybe donated to a museum.
That’s just me speculatong tho.
lmao what are they going to do? press a bunch of poor africans into service for them and then leave them all dead in a ditch again?
French officials also clarified that any potential forces sent would likely support operations such as de-mining rather than direct combat with Russian forces.
lol, lmao
I gotta imagine that each planet in a sci fi setting would have its oen airforce, where as the compasion of space to a vast ocean makes sense for the organization tasked with patroling it.
tbh why not jsut set them up with an ssh key that doesn’t have an associated passphrase? Besides that, if you don’t care about encrypting like you say, then you could replace all calls to ssh with telnet.
At least that’s my immediate thoughts.
juan guaido has declared himself the interim president of Florida International U
You know what, I’ll bite. I want to see this, genuinely. Please link me the study of innovation you’re referencing.
you sound like someone gave chatgpt a prompt about shoving the word innovation into a meaningless set of sentences as many times as possible.
I’m glad it’ working well for you, but I don’t think it’ true to say that btrfs gets beyond its fair share of flak. It gets the exactly correct amount of flak for what it is. Every place I have worked at that wanted to deploy a COW fs on like, a NAS or server, has always gone with zfs. btrfs is such a mess it never even enters the conversation. Even if it can have its bugs ironed out, the bcache dev was right in pointing out that its on disk formats are poorly designed for their job, and cannot be revised except in a new version of the entire fs. I hope bcachefs gets merged into the kernel next year, that’s a filesystem I would actually trust with my data.
opening the linked thread like:
Anyways I’m gay and transgender, so I’ve decided that from now on I’m saying that I’m transing my desktop.
Jokes aside, going from repressed neutral boy clothes to vibrant and colorful girl clothes and makeup and feeling cute has been such a great part of transitioning. This is kind of how I see customizing my desktop now. It always comes with such boring dry defaults, so I trans her gender and give her a makeover and now my computer is all pretty. So I’m sticking with transing.