Has anyone noticed too that if you put AI Blockers on your website Google delists it from their search?
Has anyone noticed too that if you put AI Blockers on your website Google delists it from their search?
If someone studies Van Gogh and reproduces images, they’re still not making Van Gogh - they’re making their art inspired by Van Gogh. It still has their quirks and qualms and history behind the brush making it unique. If a computer studies Van Gogh and reproduces those images, it’s reproducing Van Gogh. It has no quirks or qualms or history. It’s just making Van Gogh as if Van Gogh was making Van Gogh.
They are optimized. It’s a 5gb plan I guess. It looks like my options, in the comments here, are pay a monthly fee elsewhere and be done with it instead of constantly hitting barriers with my current host’s limits.
Perfect! Thank you for the link.
My concerns right now are this is the second time I’ve had space issues with my hosting service and when something goes wrong, it’s easy to diagnose which service is causing it (wordpress or host). Do those concerns sound valid for what you’re suggesting?
Prices on everything will go up exponentially while income comes down. Worker protections won’t exist and the people in charge of your health, whether food, medical, other goods, will only care about which company gives them a bigger check.
Remember how baby food had to be recalled recently because it was unsafe to feed babies? That ain’t happening anymore! Fuck the babies! And if you can’t afford your $4k/month rent, to prison with you (because homelessness will be illegal and prison labour cheap cheap cheap!)