We got no troubles life is da bubbles
No politics here only 🍋🍋🍋🍋 ➖➖➖➖
Agreed, never use TikTok so I never realized but the angle on sales vs advertising is really interesting.
Thanks, I actually needed this
Well, what are my options??
At least hit “Restart”
The sentiment surely resonates?
I’m going to keep this one
I’ve had enough
Be nice to have something to replace my Nvidia shield pro with that’s not an apple tv. Looking forward to seeing how the new streaming device compares
Removing snow days is a national tragedy. Don’t compound it by forcing kids to do some half assed remote learning when they should be having fun in the snow
Huurrr durrr so edgy and cool
Ahhh like an old favorite of mine
Get out here boy, there’s a doings a-transpiring!