It may interest you to know that the switch still exists. https://github.com/PDP-10/its/issues/1232
am sam
It may interest you to know that the switch still exists. https://github.com/PDP-10/its/issues/1232
Safety regulations are written in blood. Electrical fires were indeed a problem. It’s why there are rules on how many outlets need to be in a room, how spaced out they need to be (to curtail extension cord usage even when the builders are trying to be cheap and stingy with outlets). It’s the reason why we have breakers and GCFIs and RCBs and AFCIs. It’s the reason why we have electrical certification bodies like UL which won’t certify your cable or appliance if the cords are too thin.
There’s a lot of smart stuff we do behind the scenes to make dumb cords safe because even smart people make dumb mistakes.
marry me
That’s why I only buy ant-created technology.
–sent from my antPhone
Simon Ella
Keep in mind thermostats are generally not tightly calibrated devices. I prefer 71°F at home, but recently visited relatives and thought their mini-split was FREEZING at 29°C (84 F)
Also humidity plays a huge role.
I find the practice of making daily to-do lists still helps, not because I’ll be able to necessarily do the thing for 20 minutes on the first try, but after those 20 minutes i might look down at my little note and be able to remember what it was I was supposed to be doing… and then I can have another attempt at maybe doing it in the next 20 minutes.