That depends entirely on how good you are at managing your money. With regular payments you’d still have a ridiculous amount of money even the first month, and no matter how badly you fuck up you’re still rich 20 years from now.
That depends entirely on how good you are at managing your money. With regular payments you’d still have a ridiculous amount of money even the first month, and no matter how badly you fuck up you’re still rich 20 years from now.
Just because you can communicate with them doesn’t mean they want to talk to you.
Are you doing this in a desktop browser or on Android? OP is asking about Android.
Pedestrians would probably learn more from the experience if they don’t die.
It’s barely sold outside the US because other places (like the EU) also care about the safety of people outside the vehicle. That’s why European and Asian cars (except the models explicitly for the US market like the Tacoma) are designed for pedestrians to be deflected, while US cars are a moving brick wall which will squish them like a bug.
Also, I suspect you’d need commercial plates and a special license to drive it most other places, due to the weight.
I refuse to believe that there are no women who enjoy Warhammer 40k.
We may have just gotten lucky. I also had a great time in Venice once by wandering off randomly and ending up somewhere I can only assume tourists don’t normally go. We bought some fruit off a boat which was both delicious and very affordable, so I assume the target demographic was not tourists. I’m pretty sure that’s not the universal experience of Venice either.
We were in the mood for a chill day, so it was nice to just chill in a park and walk through some random old neighborhoods until we stumbled across a restaurant. There’s nothing chill about Milan, though, at least not where a clueless tourist would find it.
As a European from elsewhere in Europe, I’m never going back to Milan. Maybe it’s fine if you’re into fashion, but if you’re not there’s not much to look at except a cathedral which resembles every other cathedral, and it’s impossible to get a photo of it without also having a friendship bracelet scammer in the frame, actively harassing you.
All tourist locations in Italy and France have people trying to scam you (and some non-scammers just trying to sell you cheap toys), but Milan is the only place I’ve been to where they’re straight up harassing you non-stop. Go to Pisa instead, it’s super relaxing there and you can marvel at their past mistakes in structural engineering. A far better deal.
To be fair, any modern truck built for the US market will kill you on the spot, usually by squishing you like a bug against the grill. A Cybertruck is low enough that it will probably just chop off your legs, so you probably still die, but you can have a half open casket! 🎉
Fair, I was thinking in the context of Stack Overflow.
Why not skip the middle man and ask ChatGPT directly?
You probably mean Comic Chat. It was actually just an IRC client, and I think it’s still usable (but frustratingly ineffective) today. But there is a website where you can convert IRC logs to it, I think.
Russians kept using it, just like Brazilians kept Orkut alive for years.
They were acquired recently.
Mirabilis created ICQ. AOL bought Mirabilis in 1998. Russian investor DST (which soon became and later VK) bought ICQ from AOL in 2010, probably because Russians were among the few nationalities still using it. Russians were over 25% of the hits, and it was the biggest instant messenger in Russia at the time. They also own VKontakte, hence why they’re directing people there.
Eh, tech companies also push out shitty stuff, and sometimes the shitty stuff is hardware.
Did you reboot as part of updating? If so, the reboot could have fixed it.
Also, how often do you check for updates when you’re not having problems? How long have the updates been out before you have performance issues and look for them?
Yeah, and their latest release was 5 months ago, so they’re probably still a thing.
Debian Edu has existed for over a decade, originally as a Norwegian distro called Skolelinux (“school Linux”). I’m not sure how they differ from regular Debian at this point, but a big part of the original project was high quality translations.
Oh, there’ll still be a government. But they may not be willing to ship his checks to the labor camp.