I’m just surprised there are Palestinian children that the brave Israeli soldiers didn’t murder.
I’m just surprised there are Palestinian children that the brave Israeli soldiers didn’t murder.
I’m betting you’ve nailed it. It doesn’t make sense to me why it won’t work. You’re also the second one to mention cloudflared. It is easy to set up?
“Local host” in this instance refers to my desktop computer where all my super sweet Linux distros are saved. Nextcloud Office, while being an “app” appears to not have any function without the collabora; i.e. there will be no document viewer without the collabora “server” running next to NextCloud.
Or maybe it’s none of that. Coming from a Windows background, running docker is completely foreign.
I have not tried caddy through docker yet, just running it through a windows command line with admin priv. I’m looking into doing it with Docker, just haven’t started yet.
I will remember how familiar you are with docker!
I didn’t think Nextcloud AIO would actually work with existing files on a separate drive. I know it says it will … but … I’m not interested in buying a gigantic new harddrive to clone all my data to just to run one program.
Also, if it’s running in WSL or a VirtualBox VM it would be fucking hell to get it to play nice with the network.
It would be absolutely sublime if it worked. Literally every step resulted in an error. EVERY STEP.
I’ve tried and tried. It just won’t work. Maybe I need to get a different firewall program. I’m working in Pro, added the features, made the firewall exceptions, have my network setting as “private,” I’ve done everything. The host will be visible on the network, but logins time out or fail altogether.
Since writing my rant, I found HFS, which, though an OLD program, was stupid stupid easy to set up.
I also found Filebrowser, and though the config was way more of an asspain than it should have been, it’s fucking awesome. I’ve even moved on to trying to get HTTPS running for external connections using Win-Acme, but it isn’t going well.
You could be a legless NEET and not have enough time to get this fucking bullshit to work correctly.
Is there a way to self-host nextcloud by downloading one file, docker container, .nzb, .jpg, ANYTHING that includes all these parts and can just plug in and run? Is that a thing, or do all self-hosters spend every waking hour sudo updating?
Currently dealing with this nonsense,
and this accompanying nonsense:
I want my docs and files on a self-hosted cloud (I can’t seem to get sftp, ftp, or sharing to work on windows 11 even after adding the missing features) , with the ability to at least open the contents without downloading them. I want to stop using google for calendars and notes, and it would be handy to have a self-hosted bulletin board I and my added users could write on.
According to the box, nextcloud does all these things, except that it doesn’t, without practically rewriting the code and somehow re-engineering linux to not be a fucking cunt.
I was trying for the 3rd time to install the collabora office app in nextcloud. I think it’s hilarious they know it’s going to time out and they give you a bogus command to run to fix it. So unnecessarily irritating.
Seriously homie, unless you’re a fucking linux docker nerdshit wizard, you should find another way.
You don’t want your kids using a rope, so keep them away from linux.
Do you have office set up in it?
If Nextcloud “caused total data loss on all my synced devices and the server itself” I would probably do something unsavory to any responsible party I could locate, and take 10 TB of data out of their lousy hide.
Did you find a self-hosted solution?
Reporting Israeli crimes against humanity is antisemitic. Obviously Israel has the right to defend itself against children getting water. That sniper should be given an award and parade, certainly not flayed alive and thrown on an ant hill.