Never waste a moment to sow tribalism.
Never waste a moment to sow tribalism.
How come nobody mentions that Russia has over 4x the population of Ukraine?
Zionists need to pay for this.
They can’t keep getting away with it.
and there’s a PPA with the updated packages
I don’t see how they can send soldiers off to die at this point when they know they’re going to lose.
I don’t see how the soldiers can go off and die. Like, imagine dying in the last battle before your side surrenders. Ya’ll could’ve just surrendered a bit earlier and those people would still be alive 🤣
“Good guys”
Not voting for Joe, that’s for sure.
I’d like to see a Wikipedia page of whistleblowers who die shortly after blowing the whistle.
as does Frrontier and Spirit
No way, the cheaper airlines use better planes?
Starting to think the hard-on for Boeing was just part of a trade battle, like most “buy american” shit.
You’re only here because people have been immortalizing themselves through genes for generations.
If you’re not strong enough to continue on that trend, then you don’t get to continue past this point.
Other people will, though, and influence the world accordingly.
Good. They just bred you out of the gene pool.
I’ll believe that when rich people get sent to the front lines.
And they have the full support of Joe Biden.
A little bit of history will tell you that Hamas only started targeting civilians after Israel did it.
I think we’re reaching a point with Zionists that every accusation is admitting guilt, just like with republicans and other nazis.
ARM sucks, lol.
Being outnumbered and losing the equipment that you thought would win you the war also contributes.