• 6 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • Idk bullshit peddler, I can’t get with you on this one. Because I think at the end of the day - anything will be seen as “up for grabs” and illustrators will be on the outs like loomers. And while I am somewhat okay with the idea of rug makers (among other loomable items) being antiquated - creativity should not be because it’s the pulse of human expression for many and if we lessen it/deny it - I think the whole world will begin to taste like corn-flakes.

    I saw this growing up in a way, they took our arts program and nobody really found any way to express themselves and at the end of the day where I grew up very few people ever amounted to much of anything =/! I think expression is needed, and must be safeguarded because you need to feel safe to express and must know that it’s a worthwhile venue to venture into. But this is all kinda arm flapping. You can’t stop the future and clearly AI is here to stay - so now we’ve got to work around what we can.

    But, by the by - I still love the bs you’re putting down =)

  • ++ I get so bummed out that people who are running models are unabashedly stealing from people left and right and then shrugging their shoulders for their unethical practices. Perhaps pay people for their catalogues at an agreed upon rate or be a disgusting pig and buy from their estate after death. But don’t just come out here and train your models on everything as if it were a free for all and as if creativity amounted to nothing more than fodder for unabashed capitalism =/!

  • I thought Germany was huge on developing cars? Maybe I am just a fool. Also I was thinking about in the past, Mexico for sure is a major car manufacturer nowadays. And…I just realized you’re talking Bugs. I liked those Rabbits. I wish as a whole America had more economical, small-form, simple cars. All of the cars here look like shitty space-ships and they’re way too big and I am not sure how these “luxury cars” ever feel like any kind of luxury. Because everything feels cheap, probably because it is.

  • Yeah shoes were optional for a solid chunk of change of my lifetime and I used to have some real rough feet and damn do I miss them =P! How do you do nowadays? I am still pretty minimalist. I like the heel of my shoes to be as thin as I can take them. But hiking, when I use those minimalist shoes I keep torturing myself my poking a fat rock right into a nerve that sends pain rushing up my being =P! I don’t think I’ll ever have it like I used to.

  • Hahaha, I didn’t know! You know I know so little about cars. But I know bugs, on account of them running across my mind the other day when watching that five skits of Springfield episode of The Simpsons. There’s a guy in a bug who’s super tall and Nelson laughs at him and he hops out and humiliates him. But it reminded me of when I was younger on account of my father and his very tall friend both cramming themselves into one. Do they still make them? Last I saw them they were around…the 00s I think? An ex of mine had a lime-green one.

  • Unfortunately not, we thought it might be that - but it was black and white and very pixelated. I believe you swang from powerlines but I can’t remember too much. The bananas I think might have been floating in air and may have twirled. I am really pushing it because this was at least 30 years ago.

    Thank you though! Still on da phone with mama - we’re trying to find it too.

  • Ahahahahaha!!! HAHAHAHA! Aww man, I threw my head back on this one. Thank you for that laughs. Hahaha!

    Hahaha! Shit. Hahaha. Aww, still laughing!

    Oh, I get this. You know I’m gunna keep talking Katz cause it’s the only fkin thing I am watching right now but in it Paul F Tompkins says he eats like garbage yet he still has that little gleam in his eye and as long as you combine the knowledge of the two he’s doing alright. So maybe you too have a little gleam, even if you’ve slowly evolved to a total glorbo. It’s pretty funny though, and I wish you all the best. Hahahahaha!

  • Someone said something that really struck me. I just wish I could remember who, they are (or were? I imagine they’re still alive but who knows - sometimes this stuff all blends together) a queer photographer who recorded the sexual activities of same-sex couples and self. Either way, she said something on aging like “I always thought I was young, until I went to the doctors and suddenly I walk out and I’m old.” And you could really feel the frustration and pain in her words. It made me sad, because sudden health issues can really take you down a peg or three. And you don’t usually know about them until you’re on the ground. But I will say my mom’s partner is about same boat (but older) and he kept about the same thing going on. And while he can’t do things as actively as he used to - he still stays fit using a rowing machine and he still keeps-a-going. So I know (from what I’m reading here) you’ll figure out a way to get what you need.

    But not only that, and I always joke about this - but you’ll want that little bit of fat on you for when you get older cause I swear to god you get hit with some sickness and if you’re too skinny it just wipes you from the Earth. At least as I seen it when I worked in a home =P!

    Okay, that’s it, you dun-did good and may you keep doing well =)!

  • People of color. I saw you on there I think you said you were native but I was like HEY - HOMIE G! Hahahaha! But seriously, what they did in those camps is fucking awful and I’ve met a handful (and by a handful I mean a handful cause it’s not like there’s a “thriving native population”) of people who are descendants of those boarding schools and they’re fucked up to this day. It’s crazy how being removed from your home and culture - then being left to “fend for yourself” after being “normalized” can lead to oodles of inter-generational trauma.

    I was just saying hey cause I’m mixed on both sides but my ma’s side is part-Hawaiian and they tried to crush us too. (Among others, also Japanese American and we know what happened there.)