Welcome to McDonald’s, can I take your order?
Welcome to McDonald’s, can I take your order?
You obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
LOLZ! Did you try to blame Britain for the Arabs and Jews not getting along?
Yup, this is fascism vs terrorism. My only empathy is for all of the innocent people from both sides caught in the middle.
China embarks on production of a new generation of nuclear-armed submarines that for the first time are expected to
pose a challenge to growing U.S. and allied efforts to track them.not sink themselves
You know after WW2 in like 1947 (or 48?), prior to to the birth of Israel, the UN drafted a plan to divide what is now modern day Israel into two states; one for the Jewish inhabitants and one for the Palestinians, PLUS Jerusalem was to be a UN controlled international city. The Jewish community accepted the offer, the Palestinians turned it down because they wanted Jerusalem all to themselves as well as wanting all the Jews dead (them and the rest of the Arab world).
So yeah, the Palestinians could have been celebrating like the 75th anniversary of their own state by now had they not been so full of hate.
That of course is no excuse for Israeli apartheid. Both sides are assholes.
Unfortunately there will still be too many MANPADs to deal with, but F-16s will definitely help.
Why are you making me do math?
Why can’t you just say you’re on an 8?
He looks like an
oldorange baby throwing a temper tantrum
There’s lots of startups making smaller agile AI powered electric robotics for agriculture. Would pair well with a farm like this.
You jest now but that’s only because you’re not staring down the barrel of a T64 that’s run out of gas because the crew sold their reserves on the black market for vodka.
Clown shows don’t count as wars
I agree with your comments, but I meant mine in an uno reverse kinda way, in that the Iranian government are the dangerous radicals.
the populace are not the radicals
Yes I know. I was mirroring Hawkeye’s delusion to avoid the horrific truth.
Don’t you mean chicken?
Point taken and why I think any conflicts just need to be noted and weighed with the rest of the facts, as opposed to completely discarding someone’s expertise.
I don’t understand how people are so surprised to discover that experts in a particular field or industry…
Have worked or continue to work in said field or industry!
Is it really a surprise that an expert in the subject of aspartame works or has worked for one of the biggest users of aspartame? You think aspartame experts are going to work for car companies?
Like if you wanted to find an expert on say… petroleum, it shouldn’t be a surprise that they have worked for an oil company. That said, any obvious conflicts of interest should be noted in any reports so that others are aware, but someone’s expertise shouldn’t be immediately discounted.
What distribution are you on?