I appreciate your candor, I had a feeling it was cock and bull but you’ve answered my question fully.
Jaded. Please, fuck off.
I appreciate your candor, I had a feeling it was cock and bull but you’ve answered my question fully.
Thank you for extrapolating for them.
I see where you’re coming from, sort of like the phrase “don’t reinvent the wheel”. However, considering ethics, that doesn’t sound far off from plagiarism.
Very well put, thank you.
I very much agree, thank you for indulging my question.
I have no knowledge of coding, my bad for asking a stupid question in NSQ.
Who do I crowdfund to DDoS the DDoS’ers?
The Internet Archive, and by extension the Wayback Machine, are integral to Internet democracy and accountability. We can’t lose that.
I wonder if a layer of Ripstop over the tiles would reduce performance. I could imagine fabric being a less expensive option than R&Ding more proprietary tech like making the tiles even smaller.
Edit: Glossed over the fact the tiles rotate. Nevermind me.
They do make the best biscuits