it’s awesome, and they also have a nice rss feed and podcast, might look at subscribing
it’s awesome, and they also have a nice rss feed and podcast, might look at subscribing
I was very bolshy in deleting my reddit account and made a real solid commitment to only use Lemmy the instant that the api changes where announced, … Two months later and I started feeling a bit stranded, at times it seems like there’s nothing but content about programming, Linux, Foss, privacy, and Ukraine but at other times it can be really engaging…
However I have ended up making a new reddit account just so I can lurk from time to time
Heck yeah that’s beautiful
Interesting, I have found myself sexually attracted to some older women that aren’t really that attractive physically but they give off kind of a sultry vibe, but I couldn’t say I found them repulsive in any way, does that ring familiar?
Wow, I completely forgot about Viber that’s amazing
I like the ui myself, and some of the apps are absolutely beautiful, I get you on the lack of engagement though, I’ve actually gone back and opened up a reddit account for this reason, I still love Lemmy and I’m certainly not giving up hope yet, but sometimes I just need more…
I had no idea Margot Robbie was such a prolific android enthusiast
Agreed, I just won’t bother
I think I want to love it just slightly more than I actually love it, there’s so much potential and I LOVE that it’s FOSS by it’s very nature but it’s a little lacking as it stands which has both negative and positive results
There’s a great app on fdroid called geddit that browses reddit without using the APIs so there’s no logging in or commenting, it might be useful for you
Lol yeah I know what you mean that bothered me a while ago too, I just wanted to check in
Cheers, will mention it to them!
I’ve just made myself a hexbear account because of the mentions on here, looks interesting
I know what some of those words mean
There’s good reason to love Lemmy, and since joining I’ve also gone very Foss and privacy centric but I just feel like it’s a bit quiet, maybe it’s just me
For me it seems to have wained a bit, I feel like a lot of casual users have gone silent recently, the content I’m seeing is more specific to niche topics and communities
Context and quality is key
shit yeah, vice was fantastic