Thanks to Fallout I can recognize the sound of a bottle cap hitting a surface from across a crowded room and get the intense desire to go and grab it
Thanks to Fallout I can recognize the sound of a bottle cap hitting a surface from across a crowded room and get the intense desire to go and grab it
Buddy cop movie starring Snoop Dogg and Jeff Goldblum but neither of them are given a script so they have to ad lib the whole thing.
No it was Hamas
Fallout: New Vegas also had a reference to this in the Old World Blues DLC
“I gave you a 98 because I don’t give out 100’s.” Even though I got everything right, I couldn’t get the grade I deserved because of some high school health teacher’s ego.
It’s more like one partner knows the word and has been repeatedly screaming it for the past 60+ years but the other partner refuses to stop because they care more about their short term gratification than any consequences of their actions.
I’m never quite sure what it says about me that I find David Mitchell the most relatable person on television.
Who’s to say he hasn’t already?