So glad it can be monetized otherwise there’s nothing we could possibly do to reverse climate change
My biggest worry is that they’ll just go out of business one day. This market seems a little volatile
I set my initial backup to run very slowly and it took 2 months to finish. I never got any sort of connection errors in that time.
I should probably set up a different bucket for general use where I might see if there’s any issues.
It seems, set it and forget it to me
Although prices have gone up 50% since I signed up. So maybe forget it. IDK
Using Arq with this. Seems the cheapest for large backups.
You’re also gone from home all month and don’t see your family, sleep with a bunch of other poor pilots in a flop house, then come home and get your crappy paycheck for less than minimum wage after you do the math of how long you were away from home.