Yeah but it’s easy when both parents already had the same last name 🪕
Yeah but it’s easy when both parents already had the same last name 🪕
Food Network sales execs looking at this
People talk about filter bubbles, but there’s a nuance here: on Lemmy, you’re not being served up whatever the platform owners think you should see from an opaque algorithm. You’re going to, by default, see cesspool content. You have to choose to block it.
Nice! Is that from like a mobile app to auto score?
I don’t think the new strategy of injecting ads directly into the video stream can be defeated in realtime though. It’s like how you cannot defeat tv ads…you can blank the screen, or record and restitch without the ads, but the content itself has the ad. YouTube is a bit different where you can theoretically skip ahead, but your device has to tell Youtube that it wants to skip ahead in order to actually even get the video content, and youtube can look at request timestamps to know you didn’t see the whole injected ad and just re-inject it in the video stream.
Takin up the one stall to pee when there are three urinals open and I gotta blast
deleted by creator
It doesn’t pass judgment. It just knows what “looks” correct. You need a trained person to discern that. It’s like describing symptoms to WebMD. If you had a junior doctor using WebMD, how comfortable would you be with their assessment?
I buy a short $5 indie game. I give it away afterwards digitally to a friend. The next guy does the same thing. And the next guy.
Now the developer has to primarily make money by selling merch or ingame ads. No thanks. If the game is good, people will buy it.
You could argue people did this with physical media. But it was not nearly as impactful; I couldn’t click a few buttons in seconds and hand the game away.
It’s one of many things they could do just like how security is a layers thing.
They could inject random zero width non joiners to help detection too. Easy to defeat, but something a layperson would have to go through extra effort to filter out. Kinda like how some plagiarism cases have been won by pointing out identical misspelled words.
Well, you can always get archival M-DISC. Treated special materials to resist moisture and UV degradation. Should last 1000 years if not tampered with and stored properly. Idk what the read/write speeds are, but they offer a 100GB bluray disc option. You will be long, LONG gone before the storage is no longer intact. Obviously not “forever”, but pretty close to it practically speaking on human lifetime scale.
I mean, you could engrave onto stone and expect that to last pretty much forever if stored correctly. The read/write speed and storage capacity leave a lot to be desired though.
Doesn’t tape last a super, super long time? I thought that was of the reason for the resurgence of tape for archive storage.
As featured in
On the gender controversy…the Olympics pool from so many humans that for many years now, you can tell just visually that top contenders are those naturally selected with genetic traits lending them unusual prowess in their sport. For strength based sports, more women with male traits rise to the top and vice-versa for men in more physiologically female dominated areas.
I like how that’s actually an image of Zeus from Age of Mythology
I don’t know if that headcount I listed includes contract employees. They typically get compensated far less, and anecdotally I’ve been told by a former Meta friend that there are more contracted developers than salaried there. And what’s the ratio of software developers compared to other personnel? HR, QA, marketing, sales, etc? Employees in other countries? I figured a more conservative estimate was reasonable for cost overall.
Well, about half of that is probably salary. There are apparently 17,000 Reality Labs employees. If you assume the average salary is 100K or more, which is reasonable for tech jobs in high COL areas, you’re already looking at a couple billion after benefits that the company has to spend on headcount. The other spend is probably third-party contracts, hardware, etc.
Multiple countries directly involved on the ground, generally.
This won’t work against commercial crawlers. They check page contents with something similar to a simhash and don’t recrawl these pages. They also have limiters like for depth to avoid getting stuck in circular links.
You could generate random content for each new page, but you’ll still eventually hit the depth limit. There are probably other rules related to content quality to limit crawling too.