Go look at some of the most active wikipedia contributors, they are mostly hyper political nerds. Wikipedia is heavily reliant on the social consensus of it’s contributors. It’s not a far out idea that there could be a slant among them.
Go look at some of the most active wikipedia contributors, they are mostly hyper political nerds. Wikipedia is heavily reliant on the social consensus of it’s contributors. It’s not a far out idea that there could be a slant among them.
Nah wikipedia has been taken over by politically motivated actors. I really enjoyed it when it was relatively agenda free. If you don’t believe me go check the talk page of any controversial article.
You type so much and say so little. It’s impressive really.
Cool, but context is a thing.
But this is also about wayyyy more than the top 1% of kids, this is about everyone. You want a more capable society? That means everyone.
Hmms seems like you are implying here that it does actually bring those 1% of kids down for the betterment of the rest. I thought it wouldn’t bring kids down?
It’s a simple difference of opinions. I believe that private schools are better empowered to allocate resources to produce the best result since it bypasses government bureaucracy. That’s it. Acting like “advanced classes” is some sort of own that defeats the purpose of private schools is a cop out frankly.
You want more smart people in society? The solution is public schools to develop those smart people.
This can happen without making private schools illegal.
The thread you are replying to is about banning private schools
I’m not saying the public school system indiscriminately brings people down, but for the intellectual top 1% of kids it definitely can. stop thinking in absolutes. I think it’s a good thing for smart kids to hang out with smart kids. Believe it or not, different degrees of intelligence require different needs to allow children to reach their full potential. I believe that private schools are great in making sure that potential is met. It’s up to the schools themselves to allocate funding rather than a government bureaucracy, which is notoriously inefficient and frankly always will be, especially at scale. Advocate for improving funding to public schools so private schools would be unnecessary instead of making the choice on behalf of people.
And they were able to do so without banning private schools
Almost every good private school has extensive financial aid programs. At the private school I went to, they had blind financial aid, meaning you got accepted first and if you couldn’t afford it, you would get in for free, so there was no discrimination against poor people.
I’m not against gifted programs and more resources being allocated to public schools. But private schools play an important role in this imperfect system and getting rid of them “because it’s unfair” just brings people down.
It’s not a conspiracy to suggest that public schools abide by a government approved curriculum. You are way too sensitive. You can improve public schools without making private schools illegal, is my point.
A genius being around average people will pull them down. It’s a good thing to concentrate our smartest children in an environment that lets them learn with equally intelligent peers. There might not be enough hyper intelligent kids in a geographical region to warrant the resources required to fully support that minority of students. Nothing I said was conspiratorial.
“Blindsides” give me a break. You are telling me one of the most intelligence heavy militaries in the world couldn’t possibly have seen this coming? Israel let this happen to justify wiping out hamas for good.
Why do we need to ban private schools if Netherlands was able to create good public schools without doing so? There is a limit of how good you can make public schools when you have no selection criteria. Private schools are based. I like that there is an option outside of government run institutions.
Wait are you telling me that as the country moved away from ethnic homogeneity that social structures began to fail? interesting
Yeah let’s pull exceptional students down to the baseline. Every child should be forced to go through the government approved curriculum, nothing can go wrong with that.
Private schools are based. Much better education than public schools. Obviously I don’t want public schools to be gutted, so let’s make laws preventing that rather than preventing children from getting a good education that public school will never be able to provide.
People here are way to authoritarian.
Finland is also small and ethnically homogenous. A lot easier to make social programs work in that context.
reddit moment
oh please. this entire place cries about christianity 100x more than they do about islam.
Hijabs are a sign of female empowerment i’ve been told.
curation can still skew towards one side. you know this, everyone knows this. just saying wikipedia used to better before it was taken over by ideologues.