There goes another “red line” without any meaningful response from russia.
There goes another “red line” without any meaningful response from russia.
To OP: this is a much clearer & better explanation for what I was trying to say.
Their government has been trying to keep the issue of aid in the public interest for a reason. Sometimes they might go too far, but I think people underestimate the fear a country would experience if they were highly dependent on outside help. Especially if it wasn’t guaranteed to continue due to changes in the political leadership in the other countries.
As always the headline is somewhat misleading.
Fortunately the nuclear reactor can be operated for >50 years :)
In 2022 it also just happened that russia was hosting possibly the largest military excercise in recent memory right on Ukraine’s border when the situation turned too menacing. Good they happened to have all those cruise missiles ready as if they hadn’t acted, russia would have been wiped out or something…
Occam’s razor cuts well on the two “possible” viewpoints of this war.
First is that big country sees an opportunity to capture land from a smaller one. In multiple stages between 2014 and 2022. A very limited amount of assumptions that can explain what is happening…
Second presumes that all the occupied areas secretly wanted to be a part of russia, nato is threatening russian territory while not being present, non affiliated soldiers with russian (but not russian) equipment occupy areas, a jewish president turns out to be in charge of a genocidial nazi regime that just has to be replaced with a peaceful one, and finally all of this is best achieved by a 3 day (actually 476) special military operation that has a goal of achieving something, but nobody actually knows what.
You might have the wrong city. Mr prigo was originally hailing those successes in bakhmut.
Third army? Did the other two go somewhere?
Your comparison between phones and VR/AR is reasonable but a bit different as when windows phones were discontinued, Microsoft had pretty much lost the phone os race. Also the windows phones sucked, I’ve used them…
IMO microsoft gave vr/ar a fair chance. They might have been early, but if we are eg. a full decade off must buy VR, then it might not be worth waiting.