Right, the 1Tb of internal storage and the 1Tb SD card is still really cramped if you play a lot of games
I’m an autistic and ADHD geek. I’m also an aspiring Linux sysadmin. I love Warframe, The Witcher, forest and ocean facts, cats, and tech. I’m always looking to learn new things. I live by a rule of ‘live and let live’, except when someone is hurting or trying to force their way of life onto others.
Right, the 1Tb of internal storage and the 1Tb SD card is still really cramped if you play a lot of games
So what do I tell the doctors who can’t care for their patients when I start work today? That it’s their fault leadership chose the software they did? Or do I swallow my pride and put the patients before everything else? Personally, I’m going to choose the latter as the patients wellbeing comes before my opinions about my hospitals choice in software.
While I get your point on the over reliance on Microsoft, some of us are going to be stuck spending the whole day trying to fix this shit. You could show some compassion.
I didn’t mean to imply it was bad. I’ll reword my comment.
Some genes are dominant and some are recessive. Dominant genes override recessive genes regardless of which parent it’s inherited from. Some genes that simply aren’t compatible with each other are altered during fertilization. These altered genes are called mutations. Some are beneficial, some are harmful, but most are benign. Some genes only come from the Mother, which would be the genes for the mitochondria. While some will only come from the father, which would be the genes for the nucleus.
As for X and Y chromosomes. The X chromosome contains a lot of info you need in order to live while the Y chromosome just codes for what makes a being male. If you have a defective gene in your X chromosome and are male, chances are that it’s going to present itself. If you’re female, it depends on if that gene is dominant. One notable case is the genes for the cones in your eyes. They reside in the X chromosome and sometimes one of those genes has mutated. If you only have the mutated version you may be unable to see some colors. As givesomefucks@lemmy.world pointed out, this has advantages and disadvantages.
Disclaimer: I’m going by what I remember from high school biology. If I made an error, then please correct me.
EDIT: Corrected my wording in regards to colorblindness.
I’m currently using the handheld edition on my steam deck and I like it much better than steam os. Mainly it’s because I can actually use the aur and not rely on flatpack. It also doesn’t override my tweaks when the os updates.