He should just get nominated to become presisent. Every penalty, accisation and conviction will go away - just like magic.
He should just get nominated to become presisent. Every penalty, accisation and conviction will go away - just like magic.
I had a shirtless incident working at a hardware shop in my early 20s. I was given my work uniform, but I didn’t see any changing room, so I just popped into an empty office to change. It was just a shirt - a 10 second job - no problem. Ripping of my shirt, I heard shouting from the neighbouring office from my new (female) boss: “we have about 3 active cameras in that office, just thought you might want to know.”
In panic I quickly had to decide between apologizing, becoming embarrased or running away. My smart ass brain landed on shouting back “if you see anything you like, speak up!”
I was very that lucky she just found it funny.
Absolutely, that may be important. LTT were only aware of the extension screwing over the creators, not that the customers were also getting screwed.
A lot of creators were tricked into that. The problematic part was that they realized the issue and completely went silent about the issue instead of raising awareness of the scam. Alerting about that fact would have been a great tech tip.
Are you saying that the chance of getting salmonella is reduced if you instead eat alive animals?
Ah, shit, a clock that runs infinitely fast is always right.
This reminds me of an article about how to pack your plastic shopping bags to avoid spoiling frozen and refredgerated items on the way back home. The article basically boiled down to: bring a cooling bag.
It’s answering some question while completely disregarding the premise of the original question.
Absolutely this. I’ve found AI to be a great tool for nitty-gritty questions concerning some development framework. While googling/duckduckgo’ing, you need to match the documentation pretty specifically when asking about something specific. AI seems to be much better at “understanding” the content and is able to match with the documentation pretty reliably.
For example, I was reading docs up and down at ElasticSearch’s website trying to find all possible values for the status field within an aggregated request. Google only lead me to general documentations without the specifics. However, a quick loosely worded question to chatGPT handed me the correct answer as well as a link to the exact spot in the docs where this was specified.
Christmas Time - The Darkness
Not that I’m deeply into the darkness (or rock, for that matter), but the darkness brings a breath of fresh air to an otherwise repeated to hell list of music, both in style and melody.
Ah, that makes sense! Thanks!
I’m curious, what makes fridges bad in cold climates?
A 2018 VW Passat GTE. It isn’t bad, but it’s the only car I’ve ever owned.
Just to add to the wonkyness: not only is the active ingredient not a medicine, in many occasions it’s actually the virus or bacteria or whatever caused the disease. This gets dilluted to the point where it’s extremely unlikely that even a single atom of the original brew is present. And then they claim that the resulting liquid has a memory of losing the ingredient such that it has the ability to remove new particles of that ingredient (or something like that).
It’s fantastically cartoonish and preys upon people who lack a certain understanding of logic.
I occasionaly hear about people having their freezer out on the balcony. It makes sense for colder countries, as the temperature difference would be lower than if it were inside. But on the other hand, I’m pretty sure most freezers are not built to endure weather.
I very often sit down to pee, but not exclusively. Some times I feel like standing.
No follow-up questions, thanks.
It works for screws, but as a kid, I was never sure if the clock on the wall should be visualized attached to the ceiling or on the floor when saying “clockwise”. So I was always a bit hessitant on that.
Grab around a screw with your right hand and extend your thumb (like a thumbs up). Then rotating the screw in the direction which your fingers are pointing will result in the screw moving in the direction your thumb is pointing.
Thumbs up for lifting the screw upwards, thumbs down for screwing the screw downwards. And you can move your hand around to figure out screwing directions for any tricky spots.
I’m Norwegian. I never learned a rule in my language and always just went by instinct. Until ~3rd year of university in physics where someone told me tha the right-hand-rule applies to screws. Now I use that everywhere for screws in strange positions.
I am Norwegian. I used to be proud and somewhat brag about having an american mother. I gradually stopped telling people about that ever since the first orange-red term. And after this election, I’m starting to keep my background a secret.