This might be true, but the legality or otherwise of any particular action is irrelevant, given the unjust nature of the law and its prosecution.
(What, you might not be allowed to associate with other people, attend multiple protests or cover your face, and the police insist upon being allowed to be violent and you can’t respond??? And attempting to stop the rise in fascism, or trying to get somebody to take action on what is unequivocally going to be devastating climate change makes you a domestic terrorist??? I thought I was in a civilised country?)
Your post is so off the mark that it is probably best classed as energy-sapping support of the far right.
I read your post carefully.
You repeatedly claimed that what people opposed to Farage did was illegal, thus wrong.
One characteristic of fascism, its appeal to the strength of the core group, rather than logic or reason, absolutely underpins the content of your post.
Your post was time and energy wasting support of the far right. Trump does something similar. Throws out a hundred claims that require a huge amount of energy to refute.
Well done, But you won’t waste any more time or energy or mine.