But the developers put a story/easy mode in the game. That seems intentional to me. Maybe those games just aren’t for you if the mere option of difficulty settings bothers you so much.
But the developers put a story/easy mode in the game. That seems intentional to me. Maybe those games just aren’t for you if the mere option of difficulty settings bothers you so much.
Did you try calling the clerk’s office? They might have an automated message with info about closures due to the hurricane. And generally if they open to the public at 9, the clerks and other staff will be there earlier, so you can try calling at like 8 or something. When I had jury duty, we were told to show up a full two hours before the court actually “opened” so they could do orientation stuff with us.
Get a skein of medium-weight yarn in a light color (it’s easier to see what you’re doing) and whatever the recommend hook size it says on the label. Then watch some tutorials for basic stitches. I’d start making a little pot holder kinda thing with double or half-double crochet stitch. It’s small enough that you can get used to turning rows, and it’ll work up pretty fast with the medium weight yarn to give you some nice dopamine when you finish.
I would definitely recommended learning with just regular yarn, nothing fancy, until you get used to it. Yarn with lots of variability in the weight (as i expect plastic bags would have) is going to be difficult if you’re not comfortable with the basics.
Sometimes i’ll do this in the winter. We try to minimize heat/AC energy usage, and i get cold easily, so once i’m in the nice warm shower it takes a minute to work up the courage to make the mad dash to get my clothes back on lol
I use FiraCode Nerd Font Mono instead, but it also does not have a specific italic font. In my config, only the “normal” section is defined, but all my bold and/or italic text looks like it should. Apparently, alacritty will apply a heavier weight or slant to the “normal” type face if you simply omit the “bold” or “italic” sections. So, what you have right now should Just Work.
Allegedly, you can omit the “style” specification in the “italic” section (ie: just add "italic": {"family": "FiraMono Nerd Font"},
to your config snippit above), but i haven’t actually tried doing it that way.
Due to some poorly placed quotes, I managed to create a subdirectory named ~
in my home folder. You can imagine what happened next. Luckily, I had just gotten my backup system up and running the day before, so nothing was lost.
While i do think life exists elsewhere in the universe, I think the chances of extraterrestrial biological entities coming to our planet is exceedingly unlikely. Space is just too big, and there isn’t any hard evidence that faster-than-light travel is even possible.
Although, the universe isn’t just big – it’s old. There could be some ancient civilization from an ancient planet that became uninhabitable long ago. If they were technologically advanced enough to escape their solar system before things went tits-up AND were able to live multiple generations fully in space AND they just so happened to set out in our direction, I guess it’s possible that they found us. Even then, i would expect any UFOs or whatever would merely be probes, not the actual biological entities themselves.
Wow. Well fucking said, my friend. You are absolutely right.
a nature preserve with fancy radiaton-eating mushrooms, to boot! (the jury is still techinically out on whether or not they are “eating” it, but in the immortal words of Fox Mulder, I want to believe)
Chernobyl had such a far-reaching environmental impact. Beyond even the radioactive pollution stuff, it scared everyone away from nuclear power and back to fossil fuels for energy production. I sometimes wonder where we’d be wrt CO2 levels if nuclear energy adoption had continued along the same trend as it was before Chernobyl. Would we have had substantially more time to mitigate climate change? Maybe we’d have been in the same boat (or an equally bad boat) due to other factors; maybe it would have stymied renewables even more due to already having a readily available and well-established alternative to fossile fuels in nuclear power. Idk. But if someone wrote one of those what-if alternative history novels about the subject, I’d read the heck out of it.
There’s also a long list of descriptions from sightings over the years, as well as summaries of scientific hypothesis attempting to explain the phenomenon. There’s even an emission spectrum published in 2014. I for one can learn stuff without having all the answers completely figured out (which is good, since almost everything has something unexplained about it if you dig deep enough). For example, I learned I can make plasma balls in the microwave! Very cool.
If they hadn’t capped the number of representatives at 435 over a hundred years ago, we wouldn’t be in the situation where a vote from Wyoming carries 3.7 times more weight than a vote from California. By my math, if the 435 cap was abolished, we would have 143 more electors generally sprinkled among the more populous states. I still agree that the EC is outdated, but it’s not even operating the way it was designed.