sure, but in the case of gawker, it wasn’t a slapp, and they won, and gawker was ruined, their entire staff laid off, and sold off for pennies
well, no, gawker did themselves no favors by 1) posting a video of another person naked having sex , and then, 2) refusing to take it down when asked to “for journalistic integrity and definitely not salacious ad revenue”
this doesn’t mirror that at all, in the slightest, except it being funded by someone wealthy
these folks are still confused that they have protection under “free speech” arguments anywhere except if being penalized by the government for it. there are no constitutional “free speech” arguments to be made against private companies, who are under no obligation to allow whatever speech they deem hurtful or potentially hurtful to their business.
you mean like when the “Palestinians” fire hundreds of thousands of rockets at Israeli civilian populations, or 4000 “Palestinian” Muslim Arab terrorists storm across the Israeli border to rape, then kill close to two thousand civilians, and only civilians. slaughter, then rape other over the bodies of the friends of those they had previously raped and slaughtered, decapitate children, burn them alive?
like that, or worse?
you forgot “but the uss liberty”, you nazi fuck
it’s a complete mystery how gaza has been turned into terrorist disneyland, with all the inncoent “poor folks” all around, lol
fuck outta here terrorist apologizing scumbag
Hamas and PIJ have always use Hospitals, Schools, and Mosques to hide inside, store weaponry, and fire missiles from.
In every single investigation by outside parties like the UNHRC has found this to be true. They do this because they use the Palestinian people, with the Palestinian people’s blessing, to be used as human shields, knowing if Israel strikes, what should be a sacrosanct community center of religion, or healing, or learning, will be used for anti Israel inflammation in the world forum … like the Fediverse. They communicate to Israel , yeah this is where we’re hiding and storing our weapons above ground, if you hit us here we’re gonna make it hurt in the public relations department.
And even after it’s proven that Hamas and their sycophants have lied, and it’s one of Hamas and/or PIJ’s own rockets which have misfired, landed and killed their people all the yahoos scream bloody murder, and Jews worldwide are targeted.
And then a Rabbi gets stabbed to death outside her home in Detroit.
yeah, sure, and we say you’e eatin garbage pizza, but hey it’s a free country. enjoy your garbage pie.
Then Russia bombed a Ukrainian grocery store killing 50. This the fight.
Due to unpatched glitches, you can’t even block them or their godforsaken instances from KBIN anymore
Removed by mod
MS stopped selling licenses last year
Imagine the grocery bill!