Do trains not work the way I thought?
Do trains not work the way I thought?
Dehumanizing? I am just saying they should get what they asked for. But here the thing: being a minority isn’t a choice, being gay isn’t a choice. Being a republican is. But if that is dehumanizing then so be it. They can join humanity again whenever they want.
I wish it was only republican women losing their rights.
What are we responsible for?
If it a salute it was a pretty shit and lazy one. Not that I would be surprised if that’s what it was.
And will blame liberals. Vance would probably call for open violence on any non white christans
They where going to fall in line one way or another
Addresses will still play a part in today’s rules.
It’s just another flavor of cop. Some try to be good at first and either ending up becoming a full pig or quitting entirely
They need to arm up
People who would have supported this.
Well, I am not so…
Vehicles that don’t take user safety into consideration are the best vehicles
Where are you going where you see that much of it?
The world would be a better place without us. I feel ashamed for existing.
It was dem DEIs I’ll bet.
This is a reddit as fuck comment. Just have fun. Goddammit
Shit. I can barely think about the people who died because I am thinking about who is going to die because of trump
It’s amazing how well this works on n his base.
It gets more expensive regardless