I used picknbuy24 to get a Nissan Tiida for $1200 USD with like 25k miles. Parts are normally the same as they are on already imported models.
I used picknbuy24 to get a Nissan Tiida for $1200 USD with like 25k miles. Parts are normally the same as they are on already imported models.
Can you dig it out of the trash? If it’s wall-side it can normally be repaired.
Is it just the frayed wires that’s causing the issue? Did they short together to destroy the charger?
That’s true, but they use nonstandard voltages on their chargers, and it can be tough to find an aftermarket that matches both the voltage and current of stock. Then you run into the “Dell has detected a non-Dell charger” scenario.
If they don’t match exactly, the laptop will lock you into power saving mode or battery operation only. Real John Deere vibes.
Dell is really crappy about third party chargers. When you get one of their laptops, you are stuck in their ecosystem. They used to do this with memory as well… then they didn’t… then they did again. Don’t know which phase they’re on right now, but I’d dig on eBay or Craigslist for an exact replacement.
Okay, nailed it there. That was almost the worst part when flying to Tunis, seconded only by their very strange choice of food… I had a crash course in Muslim bidets after my first Air France trip.
As a constant international flyer, I will only use Delta.
VM Ware / Virtualbox ?
It was gorgeous in Fredericksburg, poking through tunnels of clouds throughout the eclipse.
Brutal op-ed
They stopped being good cars in 2004. Twenty years they’ve been shit, and people are still swallowing the gravy.