Microsoft is a lot more aggressive with EoLing it’s Windows versions now exactly because XP lived so long. It was an absolute pain for them to maintain and support that for so long and they’ve made very sure they don’t repeat that experience.
Microsoft is a lot more aggressive with EoLing it’s Windows versions now exactly because XP lived so long. It was an absolute pain for them to maintain and support that for so long and they’ve made very sure they don’t repeat that experience.
Yup I’ve got a box in my mum’s house that all my off site backups go to and it’s a damn site cheaper just to give her some money for the electricity cost of it each month than pay for any cloud service.
You can pry my gen8 hp microserver from my cold, dead hands.
If the data is sensitive just give them a cheap whatever machine and have them connect to a vdi. That way the data never leaves your estate and means you don’t have to worry as much about the device being lost/stolen. If this isn’t an option I’d strongly recommend looking into an MDM solution for your devices.
They’re a huge fan of doom mods and level packs.
We do but I’m essentially accusing this of being a gadgetbahn.
Man people will try anything to anything except trains and boats.
Broadly no but there are some tlds that are controlled entirely by certain entities that don’t allow use by people other than them, governments being most if not all of these. Also some countries will only allow residents/citizens to use that nation’s tld.
Either ignore like I do or add a self signed cert to trusted root and use that for your services. Will work fine unless you’re letting external folks access your self hosted stuff.
All the while waving a gadsen flag.
Because we’d hunted almost all the European ones by that point.
Just getting back into running again after 6 months off caused by a combination of apathy and injury. Feels really good to be up and mobile again.
For me the apps just ain’t worth it so I got rid of them. There’s a whole sense of commodification abiut that that’s just awful and I find I’m happier without them.
They tried but they’re losing.
I mean for many (myself included) setting up shop in Israel is reason enough for boycotting an organisation.
Agreed on the cardio thing. I run pretty regularly but a knee injury has put stop to that for the last month or so and I’ve just been miserable and bad tempered. Last time I felt like this was when I quit smoking.
1200ish is my personal best can’t remember what site it was on.
As to what we can do not really a clue on a grand scale,i just block ads and cookies fanatically.
Really? I’d say I became happier as a leftist personally. Revolutionary optimism my dear comrade.
If you’re running mostly Linux vms proxmix us really good. It’s based on kvm and has a really nice feature set.
This looks Intresting. Reminds me of evil genius a bit.