The closest was probably a mountainbiking accident.
We were going along side a hill and to the right of us was a wall going down holding the earth up. Well there came an obstacle up which was a big roller to the right up the hill a bit and then down again to the ledge. The roller took a slight curve and you needed to curve back on the trail to not go over the ledge. I broke the first rule of mountainbiking and looked down the ledge which was like 3-4m high instead of ahead. Drove straight of it but somehow managed to grab a branch of a tree that was just above the ledge. My bike fell down and i just hung in the tree allowing me to safely drop down and carry the bike back up.
Nothing happened to me but i don’t want to imagine what would have happened if i didn’t grab that branch.
I use duplicati for docker containers. You just host it in docker and attach all the persistent volumes from the other containers to it, then you can set up backup jobs for each.