It’s like a honey pot.
Honey pots at Winnie the Poohs place? I am shocked, I tell you! Shocked!
It’s like a honey pot.
Honey pots at Winnie the Poohs place? I am shocked, I tell you! Shocked!
Sure do. Waiting for the next ban now, since I just notice that I again found my way on to the official tankie instance.
Yes, comrad! Freedom is slavery and war is peace!
I hope there are no Japanese torpedo boats in the way.
It indeed is.
Well, I DO know how the French count and compared to English it IS highly confusing. You can hardly convince me that saying “Four times twenty and ten” is as straight forward as saying “Nine tens”.
And just to be clear: I’m not some Yankee or Brit with a superiority complex, no, I am German, and we have our own shitty version of this: Instead of moving along the digits from highest to lowest, as in “Four hundreds and two tens and nine”, we do “Four hundred and nine and two tens”.
I guess we can blame the French’s confusing number system for that.
Maybe don’t mindlessly rattle off the same Whataboutism every time the current Russian war against Ukraine is being discussed.